Wild weather

Look at those beautiful streamers set up off the Great Lakes they are dropping a lot of snow, I am not looking outside till morning. But that one coming off Georgian Bay is right over my area and it looks like lots of snow 😳

Bet I’ll get an earful tomorrow afternoon from the chooks not getting outside!
Here’s a gift::: the veterinarian said that Jaffar’s good eye is responding well. His comb and wattles were healing nicely. He’s a bit under weight, and was prescribed a supplement diet.
As I thought, his eyesight is limited to only one eye. His vision is impaired and he has no depth perception. We’re heading towards home now.
I forgot to mention, that Sir Jaffar’s age is estimated at 8 years old. I’m amazed by this. The veterinarian also said that chickens don’t live for ever, so be prepared if he happens to pass some day. With a tear in my eye, I said thanks.
But he’s alive today, and honestly, no one is promised a tomorrow.
I forgot to mention, that Sir Jaffar’s age is estimated at 8 years old. I’m amazed by this. The veterinarian also said that chickens don’t live for ever, so be prepared if he happens to pass some day. With a tear in my eye, I said thanks.
But he’s alive today, and honestly, no one is promised a tomorrow.
FYI I’m sleeping in the chickens room on the couch, to be near the two feathered friends of mine. Jaffar is snuggled up to me. So sweet!
Albert had an egg fall out last night onto the poop boards. Which is great news because it means her body feels like it’s over The Illness! Her keel is still prominent, but she has been hard at work stuffing her face to put the weight back on. Good work girlie, keep it up!
I also recently learned she is one of two hens who will eat avocado.


Here is an unrelated photo of Whiskey begging for BOSS, and Becky feeling out of sorts that she wasn’t the first gal to notice snacks being handed out… so of course power walking over to join her. Whiskey can’t take her eyes off of Becky through, as she is liable to do something underhanded in order to get past her and closer to the snack. *sigh*
I forgot to mention, that Sir Jaffar’s age is estimated at 8 years old. I’m amazed by this. The veterinarian also said that chickens don’t live for ever, so be prepared if he happens to pass some day. With a tear in my eye, I said thanks.
But he’s alive today, and honestly, no one is promised a tomorrow.
That’s a good age! He and Penelope are like centenarians 🥰
Albert had an egg fall out last night onto the poop boards. Which is great news because it means her body feels like it’s over The Illness! Her keel is still prominent, but she has been hard at work stuffing her face to put the weight back on. Good work girlie, keep it up!
I also recently learned she is one of two hens who will eat avocado.

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Here is an unrelated photo of Whiskey begging for BOSS, and Becky feeling out of sorts that she wasn’t the first gal to notice snacks being handed out… so of course power walking over to join her. Whiskey can’t take her eyes off of Becky through, as she is liable to do something underhanded in order to get past her and closer to the snack. *sigh*
Tis the way of the chicken.

Glad Albert is feeling better.
Good morning all! Thursday yay!

Looks like we didn’t get too much snow yay!

And I am wondering why Mr P is on the bottom steps in HH-A? Last night he was up in the corner on the roosting ledge as usual. Maybe he is checking out fluffy and curly whom I put back on the hen house at night to stay warm.

Well I best get at it and do chores,good morning all!
Oh so cute! Were they not really needing the protection of the tote, so got to move to a nest box?
They're exploring and mostly left alone. Tote still there if they need it/if someone goes broody behind it. The older group is getting to tight squeeze getting in, so they need to be moving anyway. Plus broodies would have had them off the ground before they got moved into the coop. I'm pushing them a bit, but they all seemed to settle in before I left the coop.

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