Another mugshot, my backyard bestie, BusyBee
Oh no! Someone stole half of Calypso’s beard. Only her left side has been plucked.
I can’t figure how that happened.
I haven’t seen anyone do that to her. She roosts between Tassels and Pooh usually. Tassels’ beard is intact.
I did see a lot of tiny black feathers in the nest where she lays her egg. Could someone have thrown her out of the nest box by pulling on her beard?
Poor Calypso. She looks a bit naked.

I don’t see any wounds. Should I do anything? And if so, what?!

Wonder why so many people are getting these eggs...
There are others out there with those eggs?

About a month or so ago was when I first noted Petunia having issues, and at the time I thought she had just laid a soft egg on top of another egg. But it looked funny and I thought ‘did that egg come is that membrane?’ But I discounted it as I have never heard of such a thing!

Then tonight there it was.

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