He’s responsive. Alert (although blind) he’s doing well and out with his ladies for a while
Oh how marvellous! I am quite happy to hear that, animals cope way better than is mere Hoomans do I find. They just get on with things. We can learn a lot from our animal friends.
Morinth says she's a falcon.
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View attachment 3787797
Ham bone
View attachment 3787800
And two hours later...
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Got this cute sign from my mother in law!
View attachment 3787802
She also gave kiddo some chickens
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And the little chick I made for kiddo.
Awwww those are really cute! I am not that creative or artsy fartsy- I can’t even draw a straight line 😊

Morinth is looking good, I thought she was broody? Is she over it?
.3 mgs is still a lot (300 micrograms)!
Yes it is!

I am not finding information newer than the 1960s(!) pertaining to research on thyroid function and eggshell formation. The .3mgs is from a study done in the 40s (IIRC), and it was only briefly about eggshell strength.

Messing around with hormones is NOT something I'm prepared to do on my own. This was just the scratching of the surface, and that surface is buried under decades of dust.

Right now, I was reading about trace minerals, specifically Mn, Zn, and Cu (manganese, zinc, and copper), and how they can impact shell formation/strength/thickness. I'll look into it more, see what I find.
.3 mgs is still a lot (300 micrograms)!
Maybe for a human but for a dog or chicken likely not. It all depends how it is metabolized.

My dog needed thyroxine and he took the same med as my grandmother- but his dose was way more than hers.

My mare takes Previcox and her dose is 1/4 what a dog takes all because of how the liver in a dog and horse metabolize the med.

It actually is quite fascinating - some meds that you would think an animal like a horse would take can be way less than what we would take, or in the case of my dog way more than my grandmother would take.

And the dose of Tylenol for a chicken is 10mg/kg so they would take what a human infant may take.

Very interesting isn’t it?! I have always had this interest in medications and how they can help; or injure if not taken correctly. Or sometimes it’s the lessor of two evils - to take a med that can harm potentially or not take a med and suffer miserably. Fascinating.
Yes it is!

I am not finding information newer than the 1960s(!) pertaining to research on thyroid function and eggshell formation. The .3mgs is from a study done in the 40s (IIRC), and it was only briefly about eggshell strength.

Messing around with hormones is NOT something I'm prepared to do on my own. This was just the scratching of the surface, and that surface is buried under decades of dust.

Right now, I was reading about trace minerals, specifically Mn, Zn, and Cu (manganese, zinc, and copper), and how they can impact shell formation/strength/thickness. I'll look into it more, see what I find.
Here is something that shows use of thyroxine to induce moulting.

Wow scary! Glad your gals were under cover.

Oh how marvellous! I am quite happy to hear that, animals cope way better than is mere Hoomans do I find. They just get on with things. We can learn a lot from our animal friends.
Us hoomans need credit too! We have to brave the parking lots of Walmart, just to shop for thermometers !
Awwww those are really cute! I am not that creative or artsy fartsy- I can’t even draw a straight line 😊

Morinth is looking good, I thought she was broody? Is she over it?
Crochet is my calming hobby, I've been doing it since I was 8 😊 thanks

She still is broody but I bring her off the nest at least two times a day, usually three. I make sure she eats, drinks, scratches, and gets some preening or bathing in. She's handling the whole thing elegantly, such a regal lady.

I think kiddo likes her presents, here she is sleeping with her chicken on her chest.
@featherhead007 If Jaffar's ladies are helping him then he's in good...hands? My blind chicken Peeps was helped by all of her flockmates. I had to just make sure she made it inside the coop at night before closing up. They did all the rest with her.
I miss Peeps. Maybe a barred rock is in the future for my flock.

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