I've told you all that Raven and Blueberry have became my troublemakers and or pranksters. Just a few minutes ago Blueberry took it to a whole new level. I feed the horses their breakfast at 7:30 on the dot every morning, and give the chickens their 1lb can of whole corn to start their day. When I walk out the door its still fairly dark out and everyone is on the roost until I start scattering the corn which I do after I give the horses their grain that way I do not have chickens flying off at me. This morning, starts off the same, come out the door to Basil and Branch on the roost crowing, tell everyone good morning and go grab the coffee cans of breakfast. Give Dirt his first and walk and give Louis his. That leaves Russ's and the chickens breakfast to go when bam out of nowhere she hits me. Blueberry had came off the roost to land on my shoulder but seeing as I wasn't expecting the kamikaze attack I ended up having a heart attack and dropping both cans in the middle of the stalls and spilling both trying to get the crazy chicken off me. Russ is now upset pitching a fit as his breakfast in on the ground out of his reach and everyone else is now flying off the roost to help themselves to Blueberry's prize. After a minute to get my heart rate back to normal and calling Blueberry every name under the sun I go refill Russ's can and give him his breakfast. That sneaky girl did it on purpose I swear. And to top it off in the middle of the chaos I hear it, Bubba's first crow. Yes he sounded like he was being strangled but I think he was congratulating her on her efforts this morning. I really miss Henrietta, but she and her antics lives on in her Granddaughter.
But I do like a chicken with initiative! 💓
I received the saddest news today. I may or may not have had my favorite pollet chai die, she was let out of her cage without my knowledge (while I was away). When I got home I was told that she had been missing for several hours, when typically she wouldn’t be more than 10 feet from her mother who is always around. I looked all over the place. And although there is hope, I seem to have lost it. :(
I hope she turns up for you :hugs
I will when I've watched them more. The Leghorns before these were layers, but not full on battery. There is a "breeder" in the next county much like some on here that likes to tinker with genetics. She has produced a few Legbar mixes that seem to die at about three years old. Apparently she wanted Legbars but ones that laid more eggs. The women wants locking up imo.
There are so many things I could say..................🤬
As you may know, the chickens live on a allotment plot. For the first couple of weeks I didn't see anyone down there when I went for two or three hours in the afternoon. I've seen a few of the people that have plots there now and they've all commented on how pleased they are that I'm looking after the chickens and most have mentioned that the chickens are laready looking a lot healthier. I don't know if this is just because it may be the first time they have seen them out of the run foraging and running about or there has actually been a noticable physical change. I know a few, particularly the Red Sex Kinks have put on weight and their plumage definitely looks in better condition.
I think all chickens tend to look better ranging rather than stuck in a run so that may have sosmething to do with it.View attachment 2879015View attachment 2879018
View attachment 2879014
Chickens are meant to be out ranging. It gives me great joy to just see them in the yard. 🥰

This is why I dispute the Hawks right to attack my yard.
I think that a bit more like how it should go. Normally the youngsters are not allowed in the coop until the seniors are settled. At first a few try to roost early because they get worried if it gets dark and they're not in the coop and later they learn just to stay out of the way until the roosting shuffling about is over and then they sneak in.
I'm pretty sure that I'm putting a roost in the nest box first chance I get. Might as well make it more comfortable for them.

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