My beloved Amber has now left us. She was struggling today and it was her time to leave.

Her final time was spent with her sisters
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I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I know that it's never easy dealing with a loss, but I hope that it'll bring some comfort knowing that her final moments were spent with her sisters :hugs
She was.....

837 days old
120 weeks old
27.9 months old
2.29 years old

Way before her time.
Way too soon.
In situations like these, this quote always comes to mind:
"If my love could have saved you, you would have lived forever."
I know how much you love your girls and I know that losing them never gets any easier. Please know that I am thinking of you, your family and your flock during this time ❤️
Way too soon.
In situations like these, this quote always comes to mind:
"If my love could have saved you, you would have lived forever."
I know how much you love your girls and I know that losing them never gets any easier. Please know that I am thinking of you, your family and your flock during this time ❤️
This is wonderful. Thank you so much. 💗
What is the best way to pet a chicken? @Shadrach mentioned that stroking the back is associated with mating. Currently, I have been making an effort to instead stroke their chests?l. Is there a better spot?
I think the chest is a good call because they can see what you're doing. I have heard that some like to have their wattles stroked.

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