Yep, sharp eyes, that’s Sammy alright! 😆 and don’t worry, I won’t tell him you called him “little”. He’s still not 100% back to his usual self, but he was certainly out doing his duties today, as we had several flybys by a red tail hawk and a couple of eagle trills in the early afternoon while I was walking the goats, and no chickens in sight after the appropriate alarm call. He’s such a good boy!

I am getting very sick of these six unmannered guys though… My total numbers, I have 18 males right now out of 93 chickens, and only six are really causing any issues. In the main free range flock I have Sammy (3y3m) Dean (2y) Elios (10m) Chunk, Barney’s Boy, Deans 1st son (~9m) and 3 slightly younger cockerels (Dean’s, one from the same breeding as Elios and the 6 jerks, and one from Cass) and 50 pullets/hens ranging from POL-2years old. Sometimes there’s a slight “discussion” regarding mating privileges amongst the cockerels, any really problematic behaviour is usually taken care of by Sammy or Dean. The six jerks also free range but roost separately in the hospital tractor. They are too rough with the hens, attack each other, and try to steal the hens from other guys.

I’m trying to give them a break, as they weren’t raised here and didn’t have an appropriate role model, but I draw the line at a certain point of violence, especially towards my established roosters. Although it is somewhat entertaining watching my more dominant hens “correct” them too. They were taken from their mama too soon, and raised in a locked, fairly dark room with their one sister, it was a less than ideal beginning. But I don’t really need any more Barnvelder genetics from that line floating around (a little skinnier than mine and with less nice lacing, mostly crossed to an Ameraucana or an aunt… so there might not be enough genetic separation either)
I hear you on the naughty boys, and I only have two youngsters!
Oh no poor wee gal, laying eggs has got to be tough, I feel for my gals and I am glad when they take a break from laying...
Yeah, me, too. This one is a prolific layer. I believe she will be my last one with any Leghorn in her, at least until I found a high quality breeder that was not breeding for production.
Yeah, me, too. This one is a prolific layer. I believe she will be my last one with any Leghorn in her, at least until I found a high quality breeder that was not breeding for production.
How many does she lay? My Roadrunners seem generally nicely restrained in their laying (though Minnie is on a bit of a run at the moment for some reason). Normally they seem to lay at the rate of 2-3 a week.
Mostly though - you haven't had any problem before with frostbite, this was an unusual situation, with Dotty running around in the rain before the weather turned cold, as I recall? So now you know to break out the blow-dryer if something like that happens again.
I think you are probably right. This thread certainly reinforces that perspective. Terrifying.
Darn right chilly here also, it was showing -19c on my truck this morning and we got more snow, another 10cm of the gross white fluffy crap.

I am so done with the cold, snow, icy walking even the horse are fed up they don't want to go out and are happy to come back in.

Weather tax

Everyone is roosting where they should tonightView attachment 3005501
Weather hugs. :hugs :hugs :hugs

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