Another BFTP:

Please don't drive when you are upset. That is how I lost a dear friend. Father's best friend's son...he was my age, and would give the shirt off his back to anyone. Always drove when he was upset. 9 accidents ...only one of which he was injured in (other than a few minor bruises or scratches) We joked he was a cat with 9 lives. Then.....a couple of years later...10th accident... he died. Christmas eve day, just a couple of months after he got married....he was only 26 y.o. Again, please don't drive when you are upset....:hugs:hugs:hugs
Such a sad waste of life. I'm sorry you lost him.
He's Ned on Friday with his flock.
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He now has 7 hens and 1 junior rooster. I was going to split out Cappy and the 2 black hens into their own coop, but I don't think I will now.

I found that the boys take turns doing escort duty while free ranging. Depending on which hen needs to lay determines which roo takes her to the coop. The remaining boy stays with the rest of the flock.

There is no hostility between Ned and Cappy. They both mate with the hens, Cappy only has a few that allow him though.
This is wonderful for Ned. ❤️ I think they should stay means the hens will always have a guardian while one is being escorted......I'm so happy for Ned!!!! So sorry to hear about Stanley,💔 though....but clearly Stanley taught him well :)🐓👨‍🏫🐓
I hope I can keep this plant alive
I hope I can keep this plant alive
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Nice! Is that from your friend? It looks like an Aloe, probably Aloe vera.
I just killed mine by forgetting it was in the garage when the temperatures plunged.
I feel bad, it never did anyone any harm and I killed it.
A friend came today with an abundance of lovely gifts. My dog insisted on sitting right ontop of him almost the whole time he was here. We had to escape to the garden so he could drink his coffee in peace then flexi decided she wanted his attention too so she sat in the middle of us for at least five minutes. Them pecked his shoes :confused: all animals just love him :love

Plus in more news, flexi laid her first egg this year this morning

View attachment 3025663
That's great news. Congratulations Flexi! 🎊

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