Spent a couple of hours in the coop taking pics of the junior crew in training....in the middle of a ruckus...Twirp was upper left nest box when I came in. Blanche came in, started the Bok-boks. Twirp screamed at her (or me). Blanche settled into middle top box. Twirp came down, ate a bit and left (no egg, not expected). Storm came on quietly, slipped into the box Twirp was in, and eventually laid an egg, no fuss, and left, also no fuss. Meanwhile, Nellie came in and set to Bokking , inside, outside, back in, continuous noise. ...15 min later, stopped when Sstorm left....started in again within 5 min without testing the nest box vacated....30 min later (I checked the clock), is still going. Cuckoo comes in for a bite. PITA comes to stand in the doorway. Nellie submits to a peck or 2, then scrambles through PITA's legs (Nellie swept Cheetah's feet) and out of the coop, blessedly quiet. PITA comes on in, only having 1 leg get knocked by Nellie. She starts investigating, quietly. Blanche lays her egg, then stands there panting, decides to hop down for a bite. I go check the egg (still trying to ID which white egg belongs to whom). Blanche fusses, gets chased out by PITA who also chases out Cuckoo. PITA starts testing nest boxes (after watching me closely on the egg examine ) , finally settle into the one Blanche vacated. I headed back inside to start the post, meanwhile the ruckus started again. Nellie went back in and started fussing. PITA joined in and Cheetah went running off to maybe try to settle it.

Leaving pics at the bottom.
I am so glad others deal with all those crazy hens also! So much drama 😊
But wouldn't a fixed wing air craft be better at longer range spotting and easier to maneuver?

Helicopters are used here but fix wing aircraft are used more as the distances here are too great.
Tell that to the TCSD idiots. Spend twice as much money as I charge, with less coverage and worse results! (Sounds like my EX insurance company)!
Chooks are all inside the coop. I’m going to cook a steak and shrimp dinner (for me this time):D and make an early night of it. I’m so happy that Arizona finally knows her place in the coop, and not inside my house. Ps. Eight eggs today from nine hens.:celebrate
Wow you will be awash in eggs like me 🤗
I’m kinda a complicated guy. I need 9 hens and 1 rooster for emotional support! :th

Hey I have 1 cat, 4 horses and 11 chickens 🤗 must be catching!
I’ve been trying to figure out how to get papers for my emotional support goats. Arduinna would make a good service animal, you would be surprised at how many people didn’t even realize she wasn’t a dog until we would get up to potty from the local pub’s patio, and yes she Never once had an accident there! Jimmy is a bit more
Of a handful, I’m not sure that would go over as well. Heck I can’t even train him not to pee in the barn… boys 🙄. I’ve never considered trying that angle for the chickens too, how many emotional support animals can a person have? Is there a limit? Should I start taking Sammy with me to the pub and store too? Or should I try to train him to ride Jimmy? My uncle sent me a horse riding goat link the other day… lol

Back flying yes, but my back hurts today 🙁
That seems to be going around, me too. DH got in really late last night and I tripped putting out the feed falling face forward around 11ish. All day today my back was twingie so I just puttered about putting the groceries away and did some light work in my free camper project. It’s starting to come along nicely… yep all I was good for was gluing styrofoam panels up today… 😂

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