Oh good point. Should I leave them a nightlight? Mainly they find their way in the dark, the issue this time was the other two had sort of blocked all the openings that were nearest the heat cave so she couldn't see how to maneuver her way to the food.
She is bigger than them so I am surprised she didn't just shove them out of the way.
I don't put fees or water in the hen house over night.
You two be careful, you aren't 19 any more 😆
Don’t we know it… I had another realization about basically quitting drinking completely. Yeah it’s healthier, blah, blah, blah. But it has taken not just the one (intoxication) but two small joys from me. I’m not going to get ID’d anymore when buying beer! The cashier always knows they’ve made a big mistake when you poke your husband and say “did you hear that?” “Can you please repeat that a little louder so everyone can hear it?” *excitedly starts digging through purse to find ID* 🤣 especially when the cashier is obviously a decade or so younger than you…
It is 70 degree's out, everyone is 5 weeks or older so I kicked the hooligans outside to burn off some energy. I even gave them some worms which eventually all got eaten.
Wow - that is a big worm!
I think it will be the weekend before mine get to go run around outside.
Don’t we know it… I had another realization about basically quitting drinking completely. Yeah it’s healthier, blah, blah, blah. But it has taken not just the one (intoxication) but two small joys from me. I’m not going to get ID’d anymore when buying beer! The cashier always knows they’ve made a big mistake when you poke your husband and say “did you hear that?” “Can you please repeat that a little louder so everyone can hear it?” *excitedly starts digging through purse to find ID* 🤣 especially when the cashier is obviously a decade or so younger than you…
Now that I grew my hair out courtesy of lock downs, I am gonna put it in a ponytail, put on my ripped jeans and a hoodie and go see if they ask me for id at the LCBO hahahaha
This is my coop and run. I have ten birds. They usually free range most of the day, but when they don’t, is this big enough for them all? (Anybody have an idea?) I have seen much smaller ones on BYC .
I guess I want to hear that my setup is fine for my chickens. :confused: 3EFC614C-B54A-4BB8-8A1E-7840A78C0485.jpeg D6E86776-FFCE-484A-B18F-CDC3E56F80F5.jpeg

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