I have deer flies. I think they may be the same as horse flies. Devil’s spawn! One drew blood through my t-shirt. That is the scab that Maggie just pecked.
Yep deer flies, horse flies, blackflies, mosquitoes, and huge green suckers that take chunks out of you 😲
I syringed about 1ml of Safe-Guard goat dewormer direct into their gullet.
I was a nervous wreck about avoiding the trachea. I pushed the syringe almost all the way in before plunging and I had images that I was filling their lungs with fluid as I plunged.
But I think if I had done that I would know by now. All three are foraging around. Maggie is a strong bird - geez she really did not want that to happen and she fought with every ounce of her strength! Diana’s throat is the easiest to visualize so I was most sure with her that I had avoided the windpipe but she has an unnerving trick of walking backwards in the towel burrito so I was left holding the perfectly placed syringe with no chicken in the vicinity!
I am leaving Dotty until after dark tonight. I fully expect to lose a finger.
I am not yet counting this as a new skill - but maybe by their second dose I will feel less scared.
As I typed this Maggie got her revenge - she just pecked a little bug bite scab I have on my elbow. OUCH!!!!
Wow ya I would be worried too!

Can you send me a picture of the worm you used. I will likely worm my gang as they likely need it...
I misremembered. The dose was 0.2ml once a day. Which would be far smaller than a worming dose.

And the tip was from both @CrazyChookChookLady and Shad.
Yeah. At 0.2ml I would have done the soaked bread. This is a whole 0.9-1.1ml (depending on which chicken). It sounds like a tiny amount but it was daunting!
I solved the egg laying on the straw bale. I removed the bale and replaced with two small animal crates - because I just don't seem to have enough nest boxes apparently.

Seems that 7 isn't enough! So they need 2 more... Now they all fight over those two! Good grief!!

View attachment 3128365
Hens and nest boxes. Never enough. 😆
Started putting up the 1" chicken wire along the horse fence.

I first put a footer board of 1x4 hemlock along the ground.
View attachment 3128609

Then I rolled the wire fencing out, I used a board and some baling twine as a pulley to pull the wire as taught as I could.
View attachment 3128610

Then I tacked to top of the wire in place at each post. I will use strapping to secure it to the top board on the fence, and the footer board.
View attachment 3128611
That looks very good so far. 👍

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