OK trying again - I believe this link leads to two of my princesses (Elizabeth and Maggie) at the spa. My bathing beauties.

Hopefully I did it right and it isn't sideways. Somehow @BY Bob's videos appear as a picture with a 'play' arrow, whereas this is just a link so I haven't fully figured it out yet - still need schooling by @BY Bob.
I enjoy watching my birds dust bathe, no matter where they choose. There’s just something about watching them that is soothing to me as well.
Well that didn't go so well. I couldn't figure out video and my picture is sideways. Hmmm.

Did you upload your picture from your phone and change the size? I got a new phone recently and noticed that it gives me the option to choose different sizes. I found if I chose anything other than the original size, it uploads it sideways, even if I didn’t take the picture in landscape.
Did you upload your picture from your phone and change the size? I got a new phone recently and noticed that it gives me the option to choose different sizes. I found if I chose anything other than the original size, it uploads it sideways, even if I didn’t take the picture in landscape.
I did it from my phone and it didn't seem to give me any options at all. And the original photo was the right way up. Very odd. Maybe I got caught up in the upgrade. Although I am relatively new to BYC I have posted a few photos before because I needed advice on designing the Palace and I had no trouble getting those the right way around so something was different. Hey ho. Just creates an excuse to get a better fluffy butt photo and post it for all my new BYC friends. :)
That Owl has to go. How did you scare it off?
As we were out of ammo we just opened the door to the barn and walked towards it... well Andrew did, I was fetching the shovel with murderous intent. He was sitting on the hardware cloth trying to pull it up. Going down to the house in an hour for more gasoline, ammo, and my mother for dinner.
I'm with you on the cold winters thing. It's been getting a couple of degrees below zero Celsius here during the night and I'm moaning.
There’s very little between us and the outside, insulation wise, here living in the summer RV. The first night it dipped really low I was woken up by my knee aching something fierce. Anything below freezing is really low to me. A couple inches of foam mattress and some plywood mostly... the “bed” is practically outside...

it isn’t supposed to do this here!

Chicken breakfast though:

Sometimes when DH wakes up and says “what’s that smell?” It isn’t bacon... or a good thing TBH. But the chickens loved it... might have some more tomorrow too!
So it finally stopped raining :clap

Here are my new breeding cockrel and his mom. The cuckoo marans hens are my sex link project allowing me to have dark eggs in the fridge and bred with the Hona they produce auto sexing chicks. Theyre getting on real well. Giving them some of the baby food was the only way i could get em to stay still.

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Here is my other hona pen. This is my old roo and two of his daughters.

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He is not happy to be seperated from his wife and still in the adustment phase. The pullets are very happy with the accommodations. Though we will all be glad when im able to put em on fresh grass. As is though the shavings have kept em mostly dry and clean despite the last weeks constant downpours. Spring has sprung here.

About this update. Hate change. Probly wont post much for a little bit but i weathered the last big change and will adjust. Theyre working hard at making it work and sorting out all of the little glitches.
Awesome pics thanks for sharing! You have beautiful birds the Hona remind me of my leghorn X’s in super dark iridescent mode!

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