Gourmet Chickens
On the menu today at the Chicken Palace: Slow cooked venison 'au jus' with mashed cauliflower in a toasted egg-shell crust.
@Shadrach did remind us many pages back that chickens like meat, and mine are clearly carnivores at heart. It was pandemonium for a few minutes after this dish was served (I only gave them a bit so I will need to try and get video next time. They simply went nuts for it!).
It was a good way to use up the venison that has been languishing in the freezer because the guy who hunts the deer gives me way more meat than I am really able to eat.
I used to have a minimum of two mobile phones when I was in the UK. It's very difficult in many lines of work to operate without one.
I've had computers (3 here atm) for a very long time but they weren't connected to the Internet.
I've never owned a TV.
I'm not at all anti technology and I'm quite good with most of it although the so called smart phones would have me guessing.
If the Internet fell to bits I doubt I would miss it much. It would make keeping in touch with my daughters and family more difficult but otherwise the Internet is much like TV; a great idea not reaching anything like it's true potential.

We do have a TV, but DH is the couch potato that's watching it mostly and control's the remote controls for it. For me, I can really take it or leave it for the most part, except when it's time to watch the new's. I prefer to listen to a talk show radio program here instead.
Do tell what you find. 40 mins does not feel like a casual passer by. I think skunks can kill or hurt chickens - I think they are opportunistic rather than either strictly scavengers. Do be careful trapping a skunk though - it will stink the coop and house and everything around.

Yes, and skunk's can also have rabies, too!
I am going out now to check for digging. Its the only way it could try to get in.

No digging anywhere. I wonder what it was up to? I am going to try and deploy a yard wide camera tonight to see if I can see patterns of behavior from that.
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Do tell what you find. 40 mins does not feel like a casual passer by. I think skunks can kill or hurt chickens - I think they are opportunistic rather than either strictly scavengers. Do be careful trapping a skunk though - it will stink the coop and house and everything around.

I do not know how I can safely remove a skunk in a suburban neighborhood without angering everyone. I may just have to continue armoring the run.
Gourmet Chickens
On the menu today at the Chicken Palace: Slow cooked venison 'au jus' with mashed cauliflower in a toasted egg-shell crust.
@Shadrach did remind us many pages back that chickens like meat, and mine are clearly carnivores at heart. It was pandemonium for a few minutes after this dish was served (I only gave them a bit so I will need to try and get video next time. They simply went nuts for it!).
It was a good way to use up the venison that has been languishing in the freezer because the guy who hunts the deer gives me way more meat than I am really able to eat.

Mine love any meat but they especially love fish. I just can't figure out why. There is no way they would ever catch one in the wild. 🤔
Mine love any meat but they especially love fish. I just can't figure out why. There is no way they would ever catch one in the wild. 🤔
Though it conjures up hilarious images of chickens 'spear fishing' - standing up to their fluffy butts in the middle of the stream and stabbing with their beaks :lau :lau

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