I'm kind of hoping the pressure from the leg dressing will distract Cillin from starting fights. It's a long shot but maybe it will attract his attention as he goes into fight mode.
Unfortunately not. Even the new bright pink dressing he is wearing now doesn't seem to have shamed him into pacifism.
Oh dear, no wonder you are feeling stressed. :hugs

Is it possible to file the pointy bits down on their spurs and nails to round them off so they can't hurt each other as badly?
They do have the points files off on their spurs. I do it to all the males. Nothing drastic, just the sharp points. These two are peck fighters mainly. All the comb and wattle damage is through pecking. Occasional they get toenail damage, but their fighting style minimizes spur damage.
It's exhaustion and heart failure that I'm most concerned about. I don't mind patching them up and I don't mind taking them to the vet when I want a second opinion, or drugs. Despite watching years of rooster fighting I still find it a bit upsetting. However, it is part of keeping free range roosters. I am as you will be aware, particularly fond of these two and just wish they could get along like some of the others.
They do have the points files off on their spurs. I do it to all the males. Nothing drastic, just the sharp points. These two are peck fighters mainly. All the comb and wattle damage is through pecking. Occasional they get toenail damage, but their fighting style minimizes spur damage.
It's exhaustion and heart failure that I'm most concerned about. I don't mind patching them up and I don't mind taking them to the vet when I want a second opinion, or drugs. Despite watching years of rooster fighting I still find it a bit upsetting. However, it is part of keeping free range roosters. I am as you will be aware, particularly fond of these two and just wish they could get along like some of the others.
I know they are your favorites. They are both handsome fellows and watching Treacle learn how to woo the ladies has been one of the highlights of the last 12 months.

Hopefully things will eventually settle down again. Don't you wish you knew exactly what is setting Cillin off? Is Treacle talking back or not being diligent in his duties? Or is Cillin being unreasonable?
Sadly we will never know.
They do have the points files off on their spurs. I do it to all the males. Nothing drastic, just the sharp points. These two are peck fighters mainly. All the comb and wattle damage is through pecking. Occasional they get toenail damage, but their fighting style minimizes spur damage.
It's exhaustion and heart failure that I'm most concerned about. I don't mind patching them up and I don't mind taking them to the vet when I want a second opinion, or drugs. Despite watching years of rooster fighting I still find it a bit upsetting. However, it is part of keeping free range roosters. I am as you will be aware, particularly fond of these two and just wish they could get along like some of the others.

:hugsI hope they work it out(with no fatalities)!:fl
They do have the points files off on their spurs. I do it to all the males. Nothing drastic, just the sharp points. These two are peck fighters mainly. All the comb and wattle damage is through pecking. Occasional they get toenail damage, but their fighting style minimizes spur damage.
It's exhaustion and heart failure that I'm most concerned about. I don't mind patching them up and I don't mind taking them to the vet when I want a second opinion, or drugs. Despite watching years of rooster fighting I still find it a bit upsetting. However, it is part of keeping free range roosters. I am as you will be aware, particularly fond of these two and just wish they could get along like some of the others.
Oh dear. :( I know how fond you are of both of them. They are beautiful boys so I hope they work it out.
I did wonder that myself, but naturally, being a Palace and all that(!), there are a range of roosts available of different sizes for the enjoyment of Princesses if all sizes. They are all at the same height. The smaller ones are out of camera shot.
The little ones have played and perched on the smaller roosts. I was optimistic!
But the smaller roosts are further from the Princesses and the window is higher. Given Minnie likes to roost on my head I am thinking they are height junkies and also want to join a flock.
I don’t think the window will be comfy for a grown hen, so I am hoping they will grow out of this phase on their own
I think they are fine where they are.:confused: It can take months for pullets and cockerels here to claim a place on a proper perch. Mostly they use the nest boxes which does demand more work cleaning, but at least they are safe in the coop.
I know they are your favorites. They are both handsome fellows and watching Treacle learn how to woo the ladies has been one of the highlights of the last 12 months.

Hopefully things will eventually settle down again. Don't you wish you knew exactly what is setting Cillin off? Is Treacle talking back or not being diligent in his duties? Or is Cillin being unreasonable?
Sadly we will never know.
My view is Cillin is being unreasonable. Treacle works hard at looking after the hens.
However, when all is said and done Cillin is the senior rooster. It is not as if Treacle cannot get away from him and it is not as if Cillin is trying to drive him out of the tribe which I have had with others in the past. Also, Treacle does have hens that will follow him. Part of the problem is Treacle has tried to mate Fat Bird and Fudge who are in Cillins eyes, off limits.
There are faults on both sides. My thinking Cillin is a bit hard on his son is probably a bit romantic given the situation and try very hard not to take sides. They are both welcome in my house and the only reason it may look like I favour Treacle is because he chooses to spend more time with me than his father.

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