I am having some trouble with the young ladies. I really want them to learn to drink out of the water bucket with the 'chicken nipples' (I giggle every time I say that). Because come winter I don't want to have open water inside the coop when it gets really cold.
I remember teaching the Princesses how to use the nipple waterer - I was delighted how smart they were - it took a couple of taps with my finger nail to show them how it worked and they never looked back.
The young ladies however seem not be the smartest knives in the drawer!
I have shown them multiple times and of course the Princesses are always stopping by for a drink and they watch that too. They spend a lot of time hanging out near the water bucket (on the fancy step I built) and I have put one of the coop cams to watch the bucket and I can tell you they peck at EVERYTHING (including the camera) but never once the chicken nipples.
I am reluctant to take away all other sources of water while it is still so hot, but today their baby waterer ran out and I did leave it empty a few hours, but they still didn't use the nipples. Then, this evening, when I came to fill the big rubber water bowl in the run they ran out and were dunking their heads right in like they were trying to drink the whole bowl at once.
Hmmm. I am not sure what to do. I have a few months before it gets really cold so maybe patience is the answer.
I used nipples for the longest time, but one day the tape around the nipples eroded and I had a small flood in the coop. I was not happy, I now just a plastic 7 gallon waterer, I like this a lot better, I don't have to worry about minor floods and the waterer sits on a heating base.
High winds and rain here. NEVER a good combination, especially if you have lots of gum trees around your house which are known for dropping their branches spontaneously. My room is almost totally in boxes. I have like one thing left on my shelf and my clothes are still in my drawers but everything is getting packed
Why are you packing up? Stay safe don't get any branches falling on your head!

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