I’m so glad she’s ok! I understand completely. If it was just a few hundred I would be looking at, I might be able to justify it as well. That is one heck of a long drive too. XRays, general anesthesia, and surgery here runs way too expensive, even for such a sweet boy. Next time remember to let us all know too so we can be there for moral support! :hugs
I really wish that your rooster’ trouble was just as easy to fix. :hugs
Excellent breakdown Kris. Very helpful.
Thanks, it’s way better to check and find one well before they start limping! Chicken tendency to hide their illnesses and all. If I handled Roostie more often I would have caught it sooner, like Deans, and it wouldn’t have gotten anywhere near as bad. I check my chickens whenever I handle them and have the opportunity, I just take a quick look at their footsies, not fuss. Roostie, and my meat girls as well, are so large I try not to handle them too much. A few times I’ve given them the chicken version of hiccups in handling them... and the meat rescues... well They are still extremely skittish. But I have resolved to check them all more often, even the curvy girls, Little Red, and Roostie.
Yes, and because of that it is one of the most beautiful and fascinating natives we have! I love them 🥰
Gotta love a monotreme!
I love that you’re reading through the entire thread, and reminding us all of the fun we have had, as well as the emotional moments both good and bad. That was a fun chat! And you’re making great time on the reading too.

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