I’m in flight now, but have been diverted to Orange County airport, due to Fire activity in Central Valley. Things change by the second in the sky. Bakersfield airport is open, but I hate Bakersfield for so many reasons . I will update you my friends
So many reasons to hate Bakersfield...

There has been a little more ruckus going on. If someone is grouchy maybe it's because there has been fluff and outer feathers about and somebody is molting. I can't tell yet who it is. But it seems there's been some shifting of flock order, attempts at it at least.

Though generally a really peaceful bunch, last week, Popcorn, who seems to be bottom hen, was really getting picked on and pushed away from whatever she was foraging by both Peanut and Butters. who seemed to let her find things and then they would take over the site. Historically Popcorn often forages alone, around the group and unbothered until recently. She's a more adventurous hen, an enthusiastic digger and yes, she finds good things! She also kept clear of Hazel but that was nothing new. Just now Butters was getting some correction from Hazel, though they stayed together.
They are often like this
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Peanut and Hazel seem to be best friends, often foraging side by side. Hazel and Butters do that from time to time also. Popcorn's not a total outsider, but I don't see any consistent buddies with her.
Here's Popcorn today. She has a sprinkle of white feathers on her head these days. Going gray? ;)
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Here's something that happened 3-4 days ago: Popcorn had the idea to dustbathe and was the first one in the dirt & ash pool in their run. Hazel drove her right out of there. Repeatedly. Peanut then had the idea to dustbathe, she jumped in and Hazel just watched and kept both Popcorn and Butters out. Then she eventually got in with Peanut. Not long after, Butters found a way in and was able to stay, but Popcorn had to wait for Hazel to get really distracted before she carefully got in, trying to avoid Hazel's head, still weathering a few pecks on the way. They all dustbathed together pretty well then. Peace at last! I'm happy Popcorn has persistence and gumption to get what she wants.
So is she! Yes, I mean you, hello!
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Also 3-4 days ago Popcorn and Peanut had a quick jumping & flapping squabble under the coop :eek: I have no idea what it was about, it was hard to watch because they were very serious, and I think they hit their heads on the floor of the coop above, two out of the three times they jumped (no, @featherhead007 the judges don't give extra points for that! Just kidding!;)). It sounded hard and it looked like their heads hit. Like two hard-headed chickens. I was about to crawl under there when it was over already.
Hey you kids, knock it off! :old
I don't know what it is about these four but they make great pictures.
Course, I could attribute it to the skill of the camera person but I reckon it's the chickens tbh.:p:D
The discussion @RoyalChick started on spurs led me to survey & photo the Buckeye Bunch's feet. And some fluffy butts too. Let's see them!

Popcorn - three pictures - She has the biggest ones. There's a nice nail-like point on the right one and the left ain't too shabby either.

Popcorn's fluffy bum and a nice view of her right spur.

Popcorn's left foot spur.

Hazel She has a small one on her right foot. She's molting her pantaloons.

Butters She has no spurs, no hint even, basically very smooth feet.

Peanut She has a tiny nub on the right foot and pretty much nothing on the left.

Plus a bonus video when they took a rest after the photoshoot (except for Peanut).
PS Peanut was about a foot from the fence and didn't go closer, they are smart about it.

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