I can't find the article I had previously read, but I read it 5-6 years ago when I first started with chickens. It mentioned increasing risk of egg binding (which scared me - that's why I remember that part). As previously said, it was an article, not a scientific study.

However, this clinical study from 2019 does mention stress (2nd most prevalent among other things) as a cause of cloacal egg binding/dystocia:
I'll see if I can get a copy. I can't read the article on the site.
However, I agree that stress takes a massive toll on a chickens health.
That's very sad news.

But a relief for Mrs BYBob.
I would not quite call it a relief with the suspected Mareks diagnostic.

In addition to this finding, there were masses within the subcutaneous tissue along the neck and subjective thickening of the right sacral plexus which may suggest this chicken had Marek’s disease.

EDIT: Read farther on and saw that you meant their absence etc. Sorry.
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Tonight there was no fuss with roosting. Popcorn went in early and roosted in the nest box. Everybody else followed shortly. This morning Peanut had laid an egg, the first egg in many days, and the first from her on a long time. She emerged tossing litter on her back and was very vocal. Maybe that's what it was the last few evenings? There was intermittent chasing throughout the day today, including some running that looked like play, going in and out and around about the run configuration in short bursts. Then they'd gather and preen and rest. I was out there with them all day so they came and went at will, sticking close by.
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Hazel, she always stands and poses for me when I take my phone out.
I've got to ask now. What do you use to take such gorgeous pictures? My phone is well, useless and my camera is okay in good light but anything else it just won't cope with.
The hens are gorgeous to.
A couple of firsts for me today.
In the small hours of the morning the camera set to monitor for predators when they climb on the Chicken Palace sent an alert. Scary!

And now this afternoon we had high winds and hail. I actually got trapped by it in the Chicken Palace as the hail was really nasty. I sat and chatted to Minnie. But where was Maggie? Out in her pasture run eating the hail stones. She was picking them up like they were scratch grains.
She is a strange one that chicken!
There is one of the main problems. Most Bantams still believe humans don't know anything about chickens and what makes a decent place for a good nights sleep. Every bantam I've known, not just in Spain, headed for a tree, barn roof joists and even large bushes in prefernce to a coop.
As Mag said to me one day, "why would I want to sleep with the smell of everyones shite in my nostrils when I can sleep in the fresh air".:hmm
I did start to try and point out some of potential hazards of tree roosting and before I had got very far he looked at me and said "are you trying to tell me fresh air is dangerous?"
I had to walk away.
Whilst Mag sounds very wise and knowledgeable, I don’t know if I could cope with my chickens roosting in the school tree every night and I don’t think I could construct a pole long enough.
A couple of firsts for me today.
In the small hours of the morning the camera set to monitor for predators when they climb on the Chicken Palace sent an alert. Scary!

And now this afternoon we had high winds and hail. I actually got trapped by it in the Chicken Palace as the hail was really nasty. I sat and chatted to Minnie. But where was Maggie? Out in her pasture run eating the hail stones. She was picking them up like they were scratch grains.
She is a strange one that chicken!
Rabbit season!
I’m pretty sure there’s a version where there’s a chorus of Muppets shouting “LAAAAAAA LALALALAAAAAAA” but I can’t find it.

Ok, here’s my tax. My girls throughout the years.

The original duo, Lucy and Emily.
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Lucy, Henny Penny and Chickie (can’t tell who’s who from this shot).
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I think this is Chickie and Penny, according to the date of the photo.
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Baby Bessie and Charlie.
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The tribe keeping Bessie company when she was sick.
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Bessie taunting Jasper.
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“The service here is terrible! Wake me when breakfast is served”. Still one of my favourite photos of Chickie, even though she was unwell.
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Tegan, Nyssa and River arrive.
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As it’s Friday, here’s Nyssa’s fluffy butt.
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My only ever “roost-er”!
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Charlie doing her dinosaur impression.
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Charlie beakbooking Phyllis.
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Lucy, having got lighter in colour as she got older. (Bonus fluffy butt).
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Amazing tax!!! I’d say you’re prepaid for a bit!

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