Sylvie is Gone

She out free ranging and I turned my back to do something and a hawk killed her. It was over when I heard it.

I'm telling everyone this so you know. I do not want to hear that it was for the best, or that I should have done X, or anything else. If you respond in that way I will block you. I am beyond devasted and I just don't want to hear I told you so or anything that you think is constructive. Frankly right now I'm ready to give up the chickens all together.

I don't know when I'll be back to the thread. It could be tomorrow, it could be a week.

Sylvie is Gone

She out free ranging and I turned my back to do something and a hawk killed her. It was over when I heard it.

I'm telling everyone this so you know. I do not want to hear that it was for the best, or that I should have done X, or anything else. If you respond in that way I will block you. I am beyond devasted and I just don't want to hear I told you so or anything that you think is constructive. Frankly right now I'm ready to give up the chickens all together.

I don't know when I'll be back to the thread. It could be tomorrow, it could be a week.
:hugs :hugs :hugs :hugsI'm so sorry. Beyond sad. RIP Sylvie 😭😭 😭
Sylvie is Gone

She out free ranging and I turned my back to do something and a hawk killed her. It was over when I heard it.

I'm telling everyone this so you know. I do not want to hear that it was for the best, or that I should have done X, or anything else. If you respond in that way I will block you. I am beyond devasted and I just don't want to hear I told you so or anything that you think is constructive. Frankly right now I'm ready to give up the chickens all together.

I don't know when I'll be back to the thread. It could be tomorrow, it could be a week.
I simply want to say I'm sorry. I and many others on this thread have felt similar pain. I also know that while I or others could write many lines of sympathy, right now the grief is too raw for it to sink in. Please, take your time, step away and shed your tears and when your ready we all will be here waiting for you with many hugs. I will say the toughest part of giving your heart to chickens when we keep them as pets is knowing that everything, and I mean everything see's them as food and there is only so much we can do to stop them.
Ime hens don't eat well sitting on their nests. You have to lift them off if they won't do it themselves. They go into a broody trance. You have to wake them up for them to eat, bath, poop etc.
It's not hard to do if you know where they are. Just be gentle, Carry them to where they would normally get fed. Make them stand. Crouch or sit isn't good enough.
Some friends were mentioning that ducks do brooding better because they don't need all the lifting assistance. What is your stance on that?
:hugs I would love to see your chickens :)

I will have to get some new pictures.

I have six Barred Rock, six Rhode Island Red, four Sun Link, and six ISA Browns.

I have not been able to integrate The ISA Browns with the new pullets.

Two of the ISA Browns are four years old and the other four ISA Browns are two and a half years old.

I am still getting eggs from my ISA Browns.

My new chicks will be 32 weeks old on Thursday.
Sylvie is Gone

She out free ranging and I turned my back to do something and a hawk killed her. It was over when I heard it.

I'm telling everyone this so you know. I do not want to hear that it was for the best, or that I should have done X, or anything else. If you respond in that way I will block you. I am beyond devasted and I just don't want to hear I told you so or anything that you think is constructive. Frankly right now I'm ready to give up the chickens all together.

I don't know when I'll be back to the thread. It could be tomorrow, it could be a week.

Sorry you lost Sylvie.

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