I’m going to go see Chaco today. Here’s some Coco tax: 41DE5C9F-62A8-490A-8BEB-8CB9DAA52FF0.jpeg
Odds are good she will. Real problem is if she hatches a lone chick and won't accept more....but I think if none hatch, odds are very good she will take babies...has she brooded before? Occasionally I've had a hen go broody, but wants nothing to do with the chicks when they hatch. Makes me think of my sister...she loves babies, but once they get to 2 yrs old, she's kinda done with them and wants another baby.:lau:lau (she hates dealing with the 'terrrible twos')
She's only 8 months old, so I don't know. She saw Mama hatch Storm, but ....

If anything hatch, I won't get more chicks. Only thinking if nothing happens, just to attempt some success. My MIL has an incubator, but not going to risk that if something does hatch.

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