My posts and replies keep getting jumbled. I found another promising fabricated chicken coop site, if they will ship to California without shipping costing an arm and a leg.
I like those. The interior pics, you can clearly see the 2x4 roosts. The various options to add to the build get pricy, but are well thought out to cover all sorts of weather needs and they're NOT using MDF (or similar) on them. You could even save a bit on the cost by not having it painted. Paint it after you get it and match/coordinate with the house.
My posts and replies keep getting jumbled. I found another promising fabricated chicken coop site, if they will ship to California without shipping costing an arm and a leg.
They are close to me. Lancaster is about 20 miles away. I could look at something if you need me too.
I went out to tuck the girls in tonight and found that Edwina had laid 2 eggs today!

The one on the left, with the white ring, was under the roost, the other was in a nesting box with Pepper's egg. View attachment 2988276

It's kind of hard to see, but the normal coloured egg has a kind of indented ring on one side. It reminds me of a monk's tonsure.

View attachment 2988277

The egg kept wanting to roll on its side. I put the nutmeg there for stabilization.

Edwina has been laying an egg every day for the last few weeks. She didn't lay yesterday though. I think the eggs may have turned out this way because they ran into each other in the "production line".
What does everyone else think?
I think you are correct. The one egg missed most of its spray tan. 😆
Treated the an awesome sunrise this morning 🤗
The photo doesn't do it justice
Excellent! Thank you so much. After the rest experience last year I am extremely careful about not leaving food out. I seriously considered getting treadle feeders.

It looks like you have done a great job teaching your ladies. They are very comfortable around you. You should be very proud of that.
It makes me very happy to have them gathered around and not afraid, just doing their thing and chatting. It's calming and zen for me, and I am glad they feel safe! Both for their sakes and mine!
Folks headed for airport. Went out to open coop...after daylight for once. Temp in low 40sF this morning. Jess got off the nest to join in the scratch frenzy. This time she's sounding like broody mama: constant buk buk buk. She's not nasty about it, more focused on inhaling food. Must be warm enough to not need a sitter. I got a pic of the nest!

1 brown, rest are white. Had to turn on flashlight just to check egg shade. Hand temp the eggs, nice and warm. The brown egg isn't the same as the one I saw earlier, so must be the one smashed on the ground I foundthe other day. Do they sometimes eject eggs that aren't developing? I took the eggs from other nests and left those (2, with Thing working on another). Maybe they're getting the idea that I'm leaving those alone? Glad they let me see them as now, if none hatch (now thinking at least some will), I know how many chicks to get and swap....would rather not do that just on chance of rejection, but have a back up plan.

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