Well done training your hens to use the feeder. I haven't seen one like that before. Thank you for sharing.

The cockatoos have figured out how to open our treadle feeder. Luckily, they don't seem to like the plain chook pellets.

This is Alice using the treadle feeder during her big moult 2 years ago
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Edit: Sorry RC. Should have put the pics in a spoiler.... :lol:
It is OK - I have got more used to it - and those pics are rather wonderful with her leggy look (as others have noted). :love
You looking at me?
Hey - you looking at me?
View attachment 2332250
You are looking at me. Right?
View attachment 2332252
I said, you should be looking at me!
View attachment 2332253
This was the lovely Dotty, a bit jealous as I was paying attention to Minnie. The young ladies are getting wattles. How cute. And I am fascinated how they are going to fit a comb in with their little hats. Looks like the combs are kind of deformed. I assume it is going to be OK as they both look more-or-less the same.

That's not 'deformed' As my mum would say: 'That shows she has 'character'."
Seems growing up on the poor side, everything in our lives either 'had character' or 'built character'!:lau

They are very lovely mug-shots! And I love the little wave in her comb.❤️❤️
These littles are 4 years old today!



Happy hatch day Alinta and Brenna!
Sorry, I’m not trying to hog the thread today. But this is too darn cute not to share. I let the chicks run around while I left the room to brush my teeth. I came back and found this. Apparently the dog bed is pretty comfy.


AAAWWWW, I love the slooowwww dropping of her head (the nearest one), as she gradually drifts into deep sleep.:love
I try not to do that too much, FB gets pretty darn toxic, opposed to most of the people here. I mean this thread and chicken friends are awesome, but I’ve seen some pretty nasty stuff here on BYC too (mostly the preadator and meat bird forums). So I don’t want to burden anyone, or seem overly negative, add in all of the overwhelm and… not good.

There’s also the fear of negative backlash from not portraying the expected positivity. Right before my big social media purge, we had some issues with flooding, and supply chain issues, which led to of course more panic buying and general nonsense here. So, being alone without transport, and off grid (yes, eventually even I run out of my carefully stockpiled fuel…) so they put a 30L (7 gallons) limit on gasoline. No biggie, if you can get to the gas station. Some of my FB “friends” were being obnoxious about people complaining about it. I (stupidly) thought elaborating on how it affected me might add some different perspective about things like accessibility and need. I got absolutely lambasted by this person, told I didn’t understand rationing, mocked, and called a stupid snowflake… all while dealing with DH in the hospital, being physically trapped by flooding, losing my pet, and a nasty little cold snap. Really kicked me when I was pretty down but still trying hard to stay upbeat, publicly at that, and then several of her friends (complete strangers to me, started in on me too). Just for trying to give a different perspective on the fuel rationing situation.

So, I did a massive FB purge, 300+ people unfriended, and most of them won’t even notice I am gone. Over 3/4 of my “friends” gone. I kept family, really close friends with shared interests, anyone who lives on the same (literal) island as me. The result? I’m not bombarded by a bunch of peoples opinions on everything, especially current “events”. I have more peace of mind, honest positivity, and feel better knowing if I make a post that isn’t all about fake positivity and “flexing” my lifestyle, the people who will see it are ones that matter to me.

Some Additional info about my living situation for any new friends here… I’m completely off grid, on an island with one, questionable at the best of times, road access to our side of the island. I run a Gas powered generator to charge my batteries for RV lights, the water pump, and electric heat when the generator is running. (RV is a mid 90’s model! So not a spring chicken or a three season either, because it’s “temporary” 🤣😂🤣 while we build our house). Being off grid, I stock up a little at every shop to keep a decent supply of basic stuff. So we don’t need to panic but when life sends us hiccups, not even TP! I usually have on hand about 120L (31 gallons) of gas, one (now two with my heater) jerry can of diesel, and we have 5 20lb BBQ, and 3 taller 30lb propane tanks (we also have a propane heater, fridge, stove/oven. When it became clear a resupply was going to be problematic, I immediately started rationing my supplies (we won’t even go into the chicken feed situation! I have a lot of chickens) and only treating myself to the bare minimum 1-2hrs of generator power to keep everything functioning. I went basically one month with no supplies or shopping, and oh boy, was it nice when DH finally got home with feed and gas!

Long story short FB is evil… BYC is way better.
Hi :) :frow
How's the weather there now and is your DH feeling better. I'm sad too read the amount of hard times you have had but you have thought out of the box so kudos too you with keeping yourself with supplies

I won't use fb I did a long time ago but found it like you described toxic and dangerous, not all people but it can only take one unstable person to cause havoc and lord knows how many you can come across with such a vast amount of people having access too your information.

It must be really hard living off the grid but I would thoroughly love it with all the peace and privacy.

I really wish you well with everything thing you are doing.

Thank you for your reply, I really value it :)
I went looking for you on FB and couldn’t find you (I think I’d found you previously) and figured you’d completely ditched it, or gone incognito. I agree, it can be so toxic, plus I have a sneaking suspicion that algorithms can put you on or keep you off people’s radar. The dopamine hit from ‘likes’ is problematic and with the (deliberately) infinite scrolling, it’s such a time-waster, never mind people getting a bee in their bonnet over something you said. I’ve also seen some of the negativity on BYC but I generally stick to just these threads and it’s mostly non-existent. How do you find the Reddit forums?
Not a huge fan, I’ve tried Reddit a couple times but nothing really catches my interest. I first joined because our DM wanted everyone on a nice closed group for game info and stuff, but it didn’t last. And then occasionally there will be Goat owner Shaming by random people, which someone who keeps up with local news on there will tag me on Facebook about! 😂… there’s nothing weird about taking your goat with you to Princess Auto (Canadian Harbour Freight)🙄
Everyone makes it sound so painful, slog for example, and yet they keep in reading. It can't be that bad, can it?
The hardest part is not being able to comment on “current” seeming chats… remember, it was two years ago, that situation has worked out… just have to keep reading…reading. The not current chat is what makes it hard for me. Lol and in there there are also so many good stories, and comments, and info… 😂

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