Weasels probably have regular though wide-ranging hunting routes? Keep looking for tracks, if it's in your area it will be back eventually.
My treadle feeder has apparently stopped the moles, at least it's not such a priority for getting food from the run for them,. I haven't seen tracks of any kind going in or out in two days :fl (I was /am concerned about weasels coming in after the moles, possibly saw weasel tracks after them, though they might have been chipmunk tracks - but don't chipmunks hibernate in the winter?)
Nope chipmunks are around in winter. At least here they are.
If you get geese please keep us updated. In a way I wouldn't mind having a goose, but it is not possible right now. Before I had my daughter my sister got 4 baby ducks and we kept them for about a year. The mess they made was terrible even though they were lovely pets. My uncle had a pond and we decided they would be happier there so we gave them to him, he still has some of their grandchildren on at his pond. I cannot even imagine the mess with a larger goose. Plus Rosie is terrified of them, when she was 2 I had her at the lake and she was feeding bread to the geese and ducks, 1 bit her finger instead of the bread. Her fear of them was made worse when 2 years ago she was riding Russ down at the bottom and we did not know a pair were nesting near the creek. She was chased back up to the barn by a very angry goose. That was one time I should have had my camera with me. She had Russ at a full gallop with a Canadian Goose flying behind them and she was screaming at the top of her lungs. I should not have laughed, but I could not help myself that day.
And why didn't we see a photo of Russ yesterday for Pony Sunday?? 😆

I think we need to see a (belated) Russ photo !
And why didn't we see a photo of Russ yesterday for Pony Sunday?? 😆

I think we need to see a (belated) Russ photo !
Here he is. Taken last spring when everything was green and warm.

They are indeed very hard to trap and my best defense outside of an iron clad coop is the neighborhood cats.
Umm. Says the man with a Lynx lounging on his window-sill.
I think controlled patrols by a Lynx might put the hawks on notice. You just need to train her to come back when called which for her I think would not be too hard to do.
So, my hawk attack girl is just fine and dandy. No sign of wound in mouth (again, checking with sever protests on her part), no sign of wound on outside of cheek either. Carefully 'combed' through muff...and felt gently with fingers - no scab/wound!!!! The abrasions abound her beak and eye were healed earlier in the week...and she is her perky, independent self!

Tried to get mug shots for you all this morningView attachment 2993571View attachment 2993572....:
Yay! Great news!
Tonight is the big night. I've set a reminder that at 10pm I need to do the final candle to check the questionable egg and then remove the turner to officially go into lockdown. I do not think I will have a early hatch but even with full size eggs it has happened before. For the next 3 days I will be stalking the incubator. I thought ahead this time, in the past I've drove myself crazy imagining that the eggs were wiggling and rolling around before they actually were. This time when I set the eggs I put a big x on one side of each egg. When the turner is removed the eggs with be placed with the x side up. Once I see movement I can have the brooder set up and ready to go in 10 minutes.
I can’t wait to hear some good news on this!
A company that provides all that must be quite big so if it had folded it would be in the news.
Also, when companies like that go under they usually appoint someone called a 'receiver' to manage it to closure - these are typically accounting Firms and they are supposed to ensure that customers don't lose services 'all of a sudden'. I am sure it isn't perfect but it feels more likely to be really bad customer service than going under.
I hope you get it resolved soon.
Thanks RC :hugs

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