Five times? If you told us I didn't remember that. Vexing is a good word. I have perseverance in my favor. I can have patience once I realize it's not as I thought. A lot of vexing before then. There may - will - be a lot of walking away I imagine!
I would never admit I was that incompetent to this group. Are you kidding?

Not yet....the Enablers are working on it, though...;)
Welllll.... I highly recommend your enablers have a bit of a discussion with you.
I've been enjoying the observations and it has only been a few weeks. I watch the color in their "pollen baskets" and scope out the blooming flowers to determine which is the most desirable.
Today I got to witness an undertaker doing their job.
So very cool! Don't even care about the honey...but so hopeful my gardens will be exquisite now.

tax...(old but relevant to the "dustbin" talk)
Just did baby inspection: approx 5 week mark. Hector has red chin streaks, one of the Sussex has a tiny smudge of pink, the other even smaller, and the hobbit lasses can barely find where they will eventually be. Also tried taping Hector's toes (they have started curling sideways). Epic fail on that. Getting a vitamin supplement tomorrow after work to see if that will help (they weren't crooked to begin with so guessing vitamins). Meanwhile, have some leftover "corn"bread that's actually grain free (mostly almond flour and eggs). In googling foods high in B 2 (?), the likely source of the toes, both of those came up. In fiddling with them (he was remarkably patient, but has ticklish feet), they aren't curling as much so, hoping the vitamins will do the trick. If not, going to try popsicle stick toe braces as toothpicks are IMPOSSIBLE!

In other news, took a dozen and a half eggs to the MIL. She's starting up her incubator and wants some of Thing's eggs. As I can't really tell her eggs from the rest of the white, she got some of everyone's , even with Jess going broody. doubling up on Cheetah being a daddy. Estimated hatch date: May 4th (does that mean that I need to go with Star Wars names if I bring any home?)
If you wouldn't mind, could you share how you handle Hector while you tape his toes? Bernadette's toes are still taped up by the vet but I am supposed to take that off and inspect and if necessary then do it all up again.
I was with the vet when she did it so I know what needs to be done - in fact she and I designed it together - but she had the miracle vet tech animal whisperer who managed to hypnotize Bernadette such that she was very well behaved.
I am facing the prospect of doing this on my own. If that is not possible I will need to figure who of my friends/neighbors would be 'least bad' but I worry that the helper will make things worse by panicking.
So I am thinking through the logistics of doing this all one handed.
I thought about doing this at night as I do for the big Princesses if I need to do something, but the babies wake up in the night and it would also mean dragging her out from under the heat plate which I feel would be traumatic. Also, it will be harder for me to do fiddly work in the dark/red light.
My other thought is to immobilize Bernadette somehow maybe using a sling, or wrapping her up. I could make her into a vet wrap burrito.
Anyway, any tips welcome. She is 3 weeks old so still quite tiny. But also very feisty.
I have a utility sink that is not too deep, but deep enough that she won't be able to jump out with her bad leg. I thought I would put a towel in that and have that as the main place to work so I can see how she walks and not lose control of her.
Yes, I am a bit stressed by this - mainly because I don't want to traumatize her.

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