Wow - that is really one very interesting and pretty chicken. But Lulu has to stay home and help Bernadette with her leg exercises!
Bernadette can come, too! The walk/fly here will be GREAT exercise.;)
There will be lots of us to help Bernadette out. And, if we have trouble, my big, strong brother will be here, too!

P.S. Lulu, I hate to admit it, as he is my brother, but isn't he swoon worthy???
Alright! I have 14 beautiful chickens, used to have 20 but over the years, you know... Anyway, I have one RIR rooster, and 3 RIR ladies, Rudolphia, Meg, and Turnip. I have one Plymouth Rock named Lisa. One huge dark Brahma named Fluffers. 2 White Sussex’, named Angela and Twin of Angela. I have 3 Americauna’s, named Pam, Meredith, and Phillis. 2 Wellsummers named Donald and Trump. And finally, a Golden Laced Wyandotte. Her name is Dotty.

All of my chickens are so very kind. They will walk right over to me and get down so o can pet them. I love chickens like crazy but I am struggling because of predators.
I think we need pictures!
So Dr Kevin thinks it might be that Lottie hasn’t developed an immunity to coccidia, it’s preventing her from absorbing nutrients and as a result, she has absolutely no muscle on her. He’s given her another dose of Baycox, but a direct dose instead of in the water. He also suggested bringing her inside as he didn’t think she’d be coping with the cold. So I now have a house chicken! She’s in a dog crate in the bathroom and I just brought Snowy inside to snuggle up with her to keep her company and help keep her warm.
Oh dear. Fingers crossed that her immune system kicks in. Such cute pics, I want to snuggle with them too.
Alright! I have 14 beautiful chickens, used to have 20 but over the years, you know... Anyway, I have one RIR rooster, and 3 RIR ladies, Rudolphia, Meg, and Turnip. I have one Plymouth Rock named Lisa. One huge dark Brahma named Fluffers. 2 White Sussex’, named Angela and Twin of Angela. I have 3 Americauna’s, named Pam, Meredith, and Phillis. 2 Wellsummers named Donald and Trump. And finally, a Golden Laced Wyandotte. Her name is Dotty.

All of my chickens are so very kind. They will walk right over to me and get down so o can pet them. I love chickens like crazy but I am struggling because of predators.
What predators are you dealing with? My problems here have been primarily hawks.
I have to share my happy news.
Bernadette is standing ON BOTH FEET!!!!

I haven’t been posting much on her but she has lost most function in her right leg (the original problem was in the left leg). She could stand on her left leg but couldn’t put her right foot down to walk. So she would fall over and use her wing to propel herself forward. She developed sores on her right hock from landing and walking on it and I was beginning to lose hope.
I bandaged the sores and have strapped her leg in various ways to force the right leg into a more straight position. And I have been doing physical therapy so her tendons don’t shorten.
This has been going on for weeks and now this morning we are both rewarded by this! I cannot tell you how happy I am to see her standing on both feet.

View attachment 3131972
Congratulations to you both! 🎊🎉

Marvelous news!

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