I definitely saw 6. Clearly I need new glasses.

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Wow, Nyssa counts as three chickens! :lau Tegan’s even bigger than she is but she’s half-hidden.

Dr Kevin suggested bringing her in as he didn’t think she would cope with the cold, given that she has absolutely no meat on her. She weighs 820 grams.

You mentioned in a previous post that there is no coccidia inside and it would help her heal. Hubby said she looked miserable today and wasn’t really interested in food. I was thinking that if it isn’t raining on the weekend, or windy, she should spend the day outside and come in for the night. What do people think? She will have her third treatment of Baycox tomorrow morning.
Will you have the availability to check regularly how she's doing if you let her go outside ?
If you do why not take her out, but maybe not for the whole day, depending on how she does? If she gets depressed inside and eats very little, it's counterproductive, as she will still not be able to face the cold when you get her out?

Edit : I should add that I'm not really qualified to give advice with my short chicken keeping experience! It's more what I feel than an informed advice.
Wow, Nyssa counts as three chickens! :lau Tegan’s even bigger than she is but she’s half-hidden.

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So funny. It is like one of those optical illusions. I can force myself to see Nyssa as a single chicken but if I glance away and then back I see three chickens again.
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Will you have the availability to check regularly how she's doing if you let her go outside ?
If you do why not take her out, but maybe not for the whole day, depending on how she does? If she gets depressed inside and eats very little, it's counterproductive, as she will still not be able to face the cold when you get her out?

Edit : I should add that I'm not really qualified to give advice with my short chicken keeping experience! It's more what I feel than an informed advice.
I think sick chickens do better in the flock if possible. If course I am not experienced enough to really judge but Bob, Shad and my vet all tend to agree with that.
So I would try and have her outside - could you give her a cardboard wind break or something like that?
Have they broken into the coop at night? Fox are terrible predators to fight with. Once they know where the chickens are they keep coming back.
Yes, somehow they got out latch open as it was one which you twisted up and out. We ALWAYS shut the doors and at least I always check twice since we got the chickens because we have foxes. It only took one but left the door wide open and the chickens were running about, thankfully it didn’t come back that day.
Electric fencing is awesome. And very entertaining with foxes and kids haha hahahahaha

Run 2 strands one about 6 inches off the ground the second one at 2 feet off the ground. Will also keep cats, dogs, racoons and coyotes at bay. Endless hours of entertainment with wildlife and kids 😁

You can get battery operated fencers or plug in ones. The one I have (original for the horses) is good for 25miles and 12,000volts 😲
Thanks! That’s great info. We have built concrete blocks and gravel underneath our chicken coop to prevent digging, as well as the run. We also have new latches on our doors that keep foxes out. We have a kennel as the run, a large one, so that the foxes don’t climb in during the day. (For some reason our foxes are up day and night😩)

I also have a dog, which is extremely old and weak and I wouldn’t want it to get shocked. Thank you so much for this info!
Jaffar is weak, and his keel bone shows out. He has to be hungry, so why doesn’t he eat? Any suggestions to make him eat? Please :bow
This isn't something that happens overnight...the losing weight. Is there something else going on? Has he been a bit off for a while (like a week or so?) Remember chickens hide it well. Try some of his treats he is fond of, or maybe make some of his feed into a mash with treats mixed in and some plain greek yogurt (or kefir if you have it). Let him be with his girls...maybe make enough for them all to partake, so he will join in?

:idunnoThat's the best I've got. Hope it works.:idunno

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