Good morning everyone. Happy Fluffy Butt Friday. I will probably use a old photo later on tonight. I do not think I'm going to be up to bringing out the camera today. In the past 3 days my sweet Daisy has taken a decline, and this morning she is walking like a penguin. It is sadly time and I will not let her suffer. I am just having a cup of coffee mentally preparing myself to do the deed. I can do it, but I am a wreck afterwards. I am torn on opening her up to see exactly what the problem was. I want to know, but I think I'm going to bury her intact with dignity. I will most likely end up spending a hour digging her grave as my yard is fill dirt which means all rocks but she is getting a place of honor in front of my River Birch tree beside my golden retriever. It was one of her favorite hangouts, and the place she loved to snake hunt the most so it is fitting.
I'm so sorry. You are brave to be able to do it yourself. Hugs.
She is 2. She turned 2 February 19th. Yes she has had laying problems since her first laying season when she had a monster double yolk egg get stuck. We are now dealing with a tumor that was found already softball size about 3 weeks ago. It is bigger and is now hindering her ability to walk, and due to the posture and stance she has developed overnight now causing her pain. Wednesday was when I first saw she was starting to decline. She spent most of the day resting. I attributed that to it was near 90 and humid and I was melting cleaning stalls. Yesterday no humidity and in the 70s, still resting a lot and she refused her favorite treat. Today it is clear it is time.
If she has difficulty pooing? Honey in the vent worked for Agatha
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I have noted that my silkie has a full hard crop, and I can feel seeds (or something with texture) in there. Last night I didn't give and treats as I wanted to see if her crop would go down, I think it did a bit, but it was still hard and full this morning.

She was eating this morning and seems normal. Any suggestions or am I just seeing things?
OK I came inside after battling the diseased rose. There is blood everywhere and it is all mine!
So here is the article that is good to start with.
If you are feeling it hard in the morning that is likely blockage with fibrous material. Hopefully you can break that up with firm massage and coconut oil to lubricate stuff. You would be breaking up stuff like grass so it isn't a gentle rub.
Keep an eye on the poop and the size of the crop to see if anything is going through and actually feeding her.
I am on crop #3 now. Two have been the hard type (and yes you usually feel seeds in there) and have successfully broken down. One was Minnie that was different and felt like a big water balloon (also with seeds). That was the 'sour crop' one where the yeast infection took over and fingers crossed we are past that now.
OK I came inside after battling the diseased rose. There is blood everywhere and it is all mine!
Sounds like you may have won against the rose bush, but it made it's revenge known!:eek:

Tax for non-chicken talk:

Hey Lulu, is that you and your mom?


Still not having any luck finding you on Beakbook. Were you bad and mommy 'grounded' you? No Beakbook for a month?

( Don't let mom read this next part: Can't you sneak a quick message to me? She won't know.......;) My handle is: MysterieChickie0522 )

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