I want to friggin scream! :barnie Found stick tight fleas all over Shenandoah’s face tonight. I had to take her off her perch and administer Vaseline directly on those blood sucking pests. I have to clean out the coop and run again due to this. Where one infestation is, there is bound to be more. I also have to check my own body and clothing as well. I hate this!!!!!!!
Alex did you treat with eqvalan ? That is the only thing that will get rid of them, you will also have to dust the coop with louse powder, every crack and surface will need a dusting. 😥😥😥😥

So sad and annoying I know.
They are doing quite well mingling together. Hope to get em outside for a bit tomorrow morning before it gets too hot.
Oh that's wonderful 🤗 of course we need pics!

Saw on the news tonight you guys getting horribly hot dry weather, sure hope it doesn't last. Very hard on livestock and people.
She had absolutely no meat on her, the vet thought she may not have developed an immunity to coccidia and wasn’t absorbing nutrients. She seemed to be improving for a few days, then became very weak in the legs. I buried her with a piece of cheese to pay the ferryman, and a bit of rockmelon to snack on for the journey. 😢
Those are wonderful tokens I must remember that.

Sad to think she couldn't tolerate the coccidiosis and treatment didn't help.
Lottie’s fading. 😢

I’ve got her wrapped in a towel in my arms. Her head’s gone all floppy but she looks like she’s taking breaths through her mouth. She’s been doing that for the last half hour. 💔
Oh no, Lozzy! I’m so sorry. Did this come on suddenly? I already know you lost her, but am reading backwards to find out what happened. I know the loss of these feather friends hurt so much.
Lulu went on an adventure
imagine my surprise when glancing out of the kitchen window to see a small pale colored bird in the driveway.
Looks like a chicken I thought.
Hold on, it is a chicken. It is Lulu.
I have no idea what sequence of events led Lulu to be free range outside the electric fence, all on her own, and looking like a fox appetizer.
In good news she seems like the first of mine to be partial to dandelion leaves!

View attachment 3144670
What a fright you must have had. But good on her!!!
Praying for rain for everyone that needs it.
We definitely could use some. I hope this is not the way things will be from now on, life may adapt to higher temperatures but not much can live without water.
I put the blind chick with the baby Guineas. He is a little bigger so at first the Guineas were scared but now they are mixing together quite well ❤View attachment 3144872
It would be so nice if it works out🙂. Keeping animals means so much sadness and wonderful things together!
Awoke a short time ago ( usual issue with legs...) And it's raining again. my neighbour and I are just irritated - it's low land here and it takes a while to drain and dry.

Oh and here it comes down again in torrents! What a noise on our steel roofing!

If I could snap my fingers and send this rain to California Arizona and Texas I would do so.

On a brighter note was just checking the barn cams and chuckled to see who was snuggled up to whom in the hen house. With three of them broody and snuggled I'm nest boxes, and Marty always snuggling in her nest box there is lots of roosting space to choose from.

Seems Sophia, Blanche and Penelope are hanging together, Fluffy and Henny Penny, and Rose and Dorothy. Only Buttercup is odd one out, which is normal for her.

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