You are so kind. I am stressing about her but I am hanging in there.
The counterbalancing good news is that Bernadette’s walking continues to improve. For hours on end she walks normally. Then she tired and it gets a bit wonky again. But even wonky it is so much better than it was!
That is such great news on Bernadette. I hope it continues as I read on.
Hector is already calling the girls to good food. No crowing yet, but yesterday, wasn't wearing my glasses when I opened the coop. Looked over at Cheetah and wondered who the black hen near him was.....until he moved. Then realized it was Hector. He's got the biggest feet in the entire tribe too.
Xzit isn’t even a year old yet. I’m not sure if she knows much about being broody. She’s on her egg today though
Sydney hatched her broody when she was 9 months old. She knew just what to do. I would give her some eggs and let her try.
Hi, guys. Remember two summers ago when I gouged my sclera (white part of the eye) while cleaning out a giant brush pile? Well, yesterday Lucky pecked me in the other eye. It hurt, but I went about my business. As the day went on, however, it got a little worse. I had some leftover erythromycin ointment from the first injury so use that a couple times and wore a patch to sleep in. Well, this morning it was swollen, pink and sore so I sought medical attention. Yep! I have a corneal abrasion. What’s with me and eye injuries?
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(if you look closely, you can see my eyes are still dilated from the ophthalmology appointment.)

Tax (the culprit)
View attachment 3138539
There was been nothing in my life that was more painful than a corneal abrasion. I once removed a contact lens and the upper layer of my cornea came with it. I was laid up for a week and for the most part on drugs because of the pain everytime the eye moved. Even while under the patch. You have my deepest sympathies. I sure hope it heals quickly for you.

:hugs :hugs:hugs

Eye tax
Ouch, that sounds painful. Bad chicken for doing that. This is actually one of the few fears I have with my flock. I have a freckle on me cheek about a inch away from my eye. While they will peck the few freckles on my arm occasionally for the most part they ignore that one. Except for the hooligans. 3 of them show keen interest and have tried to go for that one. They get a look about them when they spot it and most times I can back or lean away quick enough before they go for it. One of these days though when I am being mobbed for their attention I'm either going to be too slow or their aim is going to be off and it will eventually happen.
Wear safety goggles! 🤓 😉

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