So, I have 9 new babies 🥰 . There were 11 eggs under them between the two. 9 fully hatched, one sort of hatched, sort of got the egg crushed around it & didn't make it, one egg quit about 1/2 way through. (Surprisingly, no true 'duds!) I"m so excited!:wee

I'll get more pics later today. All are EE daddy: (the one in the back in this picture)
View attachment 3149357

The egg donors were: EE (6), Welsummer (1) and Cuckoo Marans (2) and one of my Isa Browns (2). The one that quit was an EE, I think the one that didn't make it was an EE, but honestly don't remember, and when I checked later, the chick & egg were no where to be found (?would momma have eaten it?) There are 2 black, one chocolate brown, and lots of chipmunks!

I'm so excited!!! Hopefully I will have better luck than @RebeccaBoyd with the f- to -m ratio! Only time will tell, though.🤷‍♀️
Keep a document and pics on the cleanup requirements- we do that all the time on the construction projects.
I really kicked a$$ after I posted. The director turned up and together we cleared most of the rubbish. He's a nice lad and I gave him a few ideas on shirkers that take advantage ;)

This guy is sorting out paint and filling tomorrow for my damaged wall and bless him he wants too see me again tomorrow there's no need and he lives miles away. But we talked business and sort of related, he was once in the medical system but gave up to do this work, he's got to toughen up on his worker's big time or this company will crash
These little madams has had treats from morning until now, lettuce strawberry, sunflower hearts cabbage and their final meal was layers with oil vinegar, dried oregano, tiny bits of cabbage and courgette all mixed in with water. There's not a scrap left


Make no mistake, I think that losing my beloved pets, is a drain on my interpersonal relationships with other people. I haven’t heard from the center yet about the cause of Arizona’s death, and my imagination is racing. I’m hearing all the time “what’s wrong Alexander, things happen. Besides, it’s only a chicken.” Don’t these people realize, that my birds are my family? Don’t they know how deeply that statement cuts into me? I am a sensitive person and I care very much about people, and animals. Their safety and well-being is a priority for me. (Sorry that my humanity is showing in this rant, but I take all of it to heart.) maybe that’s a cause of my anxiety and high blood pressure? :idunno Rant over. Last two fer pic of the orphans (I still have Dakota) tax: View attachment 3149062
Some people lack empathy or any form of understanding of other people's emotions or pain. They are usually the first to scream when they hurt their self then they will want or should I say expect all the pity and support.
Don't worry about that sort Alex just distance yourself from them.

They can't help it if they are dead inside.
Some people lack empathy or any form of understanding of other people's emotions or pain. They are usually the first to scream when they hurt their self then they will want or should I say expect all the pity and support.
Don't worry about that sort Alex just distance yourself from them.

They can't help it if they are dead inside.
I know a few of those people. They look for old widows that they can exploit. :mad:

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