Excellent! That is how we should treat each other. Good for you.
He was coming in the morning but I have an appointment plus my gf is picking me up from shopping tomorrow to save me struggling home. I told him this so he insisted on coming later when I've settled in. I'll be sad not seeing him again

We really had a good chat about how he's been used, I gave him my idea's and he was all ears. I think he took a few ideas on board because the scaffolding was taken down and the boys told me they got a call as they went home with orders it had too be done pronto.

They were surprised 🦾. I thought you go my lad.
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My yogurt hog

Ruddy tax for the fluffy butt boss ;)

Flexi on her way to bed

View attachment 3149561

My hope is to get little Tina a coop of her own. I think I will have to use the old one for now, she's lost too many feathers for my liking. But she used to peck Agatha and flexi used to peck her back plus she pinches out of flexis beak .

View attachment 3149559
Lovely tax. Thank you.

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