Thanks to everyone for the replies. Now that I'm aware I've watched closer and done some research. I now believe we have two threats. I've become pretty convinced that the bird in the photos is a red tail hawk. I've seen two of them together at lower altitudes and they are definitely big, much larger than a Coopers, and from pictures on the www, their underside markings seem to match those of the red tails. If that weren't bad enough, it looks like we've also got a whole nother set of predators (parents and chicks) living in a tree just a couple of houses away. These are smaller but I still can't identify or get a photo of them. Looks like this may be a long summer, but at least the chicken compound is very safe from aerial attack, and the girls seem pretty content to stay inside. Still, I'm not the least bit happy about this.
I have a red tail here and honestly they are pretty territorial, so you may not have multiple threats for long if it’s settled in. The one here screams at me (with that classic bald eagle noise 😉) anytime I am in the field directly across from the house out to the ridge. There is another about a mile west. He also drives off the eagles on occasion, but know better than to mess with my ravens.
I had to do it! I brought every bird inside (to the chickens room) thing is, if I feel that they are uncomfortable, then so am I. One at a time from the coop. They didn’t seem to mind that at all! But Jaffar did bite my hand.
I find moving a few hens first, then a rooster, and followed by the rest of the hens keeps my guys less defensive of such trespasses, but I would expect better from Jaffar!
Yes. The nipples are what let the water out.
however, they aren't long enough to go through the cooler wall. They are intended for use in relatively thin plastic...generally no thicker than a regular bucket. Someone came up with these adaptors - to use with the nipple drinkers - so they can be used in thicker walled items such as coolers.

All this nipple drinkers talk tax:
Delilah 'sampling 'the tarp on their mobile coop
View attachment 3182756

Really girls? I know you like to work together, but isn't it too hot to be scrunched on one box? 2 moms plus 9 3+ week olds is just too much in this heat!View attachment 3182764View attachment 3182764
The things I ordered say they are nipple waters with adaptors. I thought I got the link from you?
I have a red tail here and honestly they are pretty territorial, so you may not have multiple threats for long if it’s settled in. The one here screams at me (with that classic bald eagle noise 😉) anytime I am in the field directly across from the house out to the ridge. There is another about a mile west. He also drives off the eagles on occasion, but know better than to mess with my ravens.
Isn’t it funny how they use the Red Tail Hawk call for eagle images and videos? They do live here, but I only see or hear them occasionally.
I had to do it! I brought every bird inside (to the chickens room) thing is, if I feel that they are uncomfortable, then so am I. One at a time from the coop. They didn’t seem to mind that at all! But Jaffar did bite my hand.
How hot is it there, Alex? Today it was around 90° in the shade, 95° in the sun, and over 100° in the sun down close the the ground.
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Congratulations Bob!!

Congrats Reaction GIF

Of course, Sandy contemplating the beach comes first.


And because it's nice to remember her face, Sandy keeping an eye on the road in case I take a wrong turn.


Backseat driver :rolleyes: no, just Janet.



A young Mary.


Be still my heart! And Bob's. It's baby Ivy! :bow


And now she's fully grown.


Little Peggy had such a floofy tooshi!


She did not! She did so. No way!! Yes, way.


The sweetheart shot.


Thank you for your stalwart friendship, wisdom and kindness @BY Bob :hugs

You're a wonderful friend!
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congrats on hitting the milestone Bob! Here's my favorite photo of my favorite roo to mark the occasion: View attachment 3182416
and my favorite photo of my favorite hen
These two are so lovely, they stopped me in my scrolling and I backed up to discover they're two of your's Perris! They're really gorgeous chickens.

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