Mini Coop remodel
Panorama twists things a bit, but food/water under nest boxes, more roosts.
Interesting morning. An old high school friend of mine just called me, and said that he wants to sell his ranch in Colorado. I’m starting to think seriously on that prospect. It’s a horse ranch (already set up) with plenty of room for 20+ horses, and as many chickens as I want. I would have to sell my holdings in DC, and the Fresno property, but that’s not a problem. I should keep the property that my tenants are residing in. I don’t want to take away lifestyle from them. And I can keep Marie 🛩️ Because there is an airport very close to the property as well. I’m wondering if my chooks would like Colorado? (Colorado Denver adjacent)
Check the year-round weather, and the neighbors...before you do anything. No need to move to more poisoned mice that kill your chooks....

Otherwise, sounds promising! And it would be nice to have all your animals in one place...'easy access':idunno
@BY Bob , I know it is hard to keep up on here, particularly with a full-time job.....I hope we aren't overwhelming you, especially with your upcoming audit!

I would love to see a homage to your other girls. ( I LOVED the one to Daisy, TGHE) YOU are the reason this thread is so successful and well loved. I would like to see more of you and your girls, if possible. While I know your relationships were different than mine to your girls....I am really missing Patsy and Miss Iron Break!
I was planning to do something this weekend in celebration. I can't keep up with the monster I created but I am loving it so I'm not going to complain. :gig

I am currently 23 pages behind.... 🙄

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