Put the hand with treats in your knee...?

Chickens will teach you to be PATIENT! Don't try to pet. Set the hand on the knee (with the treats), have a little scattered around you, take out your phone and read something. (I'm not watching you, I'm ignoring you, you don't exist, I've forgotten you're there). If the come up close and take treats from the hand, DON'T TENSE IN EXCITEMENT. Refer back to the parentheses for your actions. It's like making a big deal over something a shy child does...don't make them self conscious about it. Act like it's normal, but don't try to pet. They're nervous. The lack of reaction will calm them and build confidence. I have 1 adult who freaks if I go in the coop near her, so I'm having to work on that. She's a favorite target of Cheetah first thing (he chases until he catches her to the point that she doesn't want to leave the coop for breakfast). I was able to dump a small handful of breakfast up where she was this morning. She freaked and went roost hopping, but came back and ate a little bit before leaving (as I was trying to offer more: mistake, should have let be, pushed too fast).

Note: this is for working with adults

With my silkies I picked them up, put them on my lap and gave them a treat, such as some of the bagel I was eating. It took about 3 times and they we then hopping up onto my lap for treats.

In fact it became a nuisance as they would then hop up on my desk while I was working (office is in barn), and during a Teams meeting the little brat Curly photo-bombed the meeting hahahaha, now they are hopping up stealing my toast, bagel, cookies etc if I don’t be careful!

Of course it’s always easier with youngsters you raise from small ones. I got an adult silkie who was never socialized and is bottom of the pecking order here, she would freak out when I first got her home and would pick her up. But I would just hold her steady and quietly bok-bok-bok to her then when she quieted down I would slowly crouch down to put her down very very gently, but I would hold her steady until she stood quietly, then I would stay there crouched down and slow remove my hands.

The first few times she she bolted off but now she stands for a second or two and calmly walks away. It’s all about desensitizing them, they see that nothing bad happens and they learn that there are usually treats involved!

This Curly being a cheeky girl



She hopped up looking to steal my bagel, we shared until she leapt forward grabbed the last bit I was about to eat and took off - wow she can’t fly worth 💩 but sure can jump and run!!!!
Oh, that means you happen to have 'no touch' chickens.

Best thought, since they WILL eat from your hand...maybe get an old towel or blanket, put it on ground and lay on it. Sprinkle their favorite treat on and around you on the blanket. Lay/sit very still and let them eat & climb over you without petting. Just lay/sit still and talk to them...let them explore for treats 'unmolested' Repeat daily...eventually they will associate your lap with really good things and hop up on their own. [eventually, just treats on lap, NOT on towel, as they get accustomed to this.]

As far as the cuddling/petting part of this...some chickens are just plain old 'no touch' chickens. However, it is nice to be able to touch them for when you need to do a health check. At roost time (at/after dark), slide your finger or hand against the back of their leg (between foot and knee...low on leg) they will step up onto your hand. Then gently rub their crop for a few seconds, then place them back on roost. [if they are freaked out by you picking them up this way, do this a couple of nights until they are fine with it before stroking their breast/crop.]

Anyone else have better thoughts?
It’s all about desensitization- and that take gentle repetition. And as you stated PATIENCE!
Yup screamed blooming murder (the wee silkie I got) for little bird she has a set of lungs!!!

I just held her softly and securely till she settled, I would bok-bok-bok quietly to her till she settled.
but if I will lift one of them up when hand feeding wouldn't it scare the shit out of them and they won't want to come to eat treats from hand again?
Yup screamed blooming murder (the wee silkie I got) for little bird she has a set of lungs!!!

I just held her softly and securely till she settled, I would bok-bok-bok quietly to her till she settled.
may I ask at what time did you catch them
sneak behind her?
hand feeding and then?
I presume you did have to catch fast because she tried to evade .....
but if I will lift one of them up when hand feeding wouldn't it scare the shit out of them and they won't want to come to eat treats from hand again?
Step 1
Pick up the wee missy gently, be careful of those wings flapping and hitting you in the face (owwwww!)

Step 2
Gently hold the wee one securely and croon to it, I use bok-bok or with some of them I have a song for some of my birds and I sing their song to them. Hold for another 20-30 seconds.

Step 3
Slowly crouch down holding the bird secure, again watch out for the wings going wild and sqwaking like crazy.

Step 4
Slowly lower the chickie to the ground, it will struggle so be careful not to hold too tight, or drop it on its head, etc. once it’s feet get on the ground hold it snug so it can’t bolt off. Only when it stops struggling should you slowly remove your hands. First few times the chicken will bolt off, stay quietly till it runs away a few steps and then goes about it’s business. Then you can slowly stand up and walk away like nothing happened at all.

Step 5
Now is when I distribute the treats - usually a small handful of scratch grains thrown about for them to peck around at.

Once you can quietly pick up the chicken and put it down without it freaking out, then I start the hand feeding and other tricks like jumping up on my knee, or jumping up onto a bucket to take a treat. Running after me, hopping up on a railing….. I try to do things they would normally do In the wild, jumping running scratching chasing….

You know this take hrs and hrs of spending time with your animals, it doesn’t happen overnight. People always comment on my horses and how they are quiet well trained etc. they want to know my secret. No secret, I just spend all my time with them, I am part of their herd, and part of my chickies flock.
may I ask at what time did you catch them
sneak behind her?
hand feeding and then?
I presume you did have to catch fast because she tried to evade .....
Sneak up behind …. They have eyes in the back of their heads you know :lau

Not sure what everyone else does but I gently herd one into a corner and gently catch it.

Patience young Jedi - breath deeply and calm yourself- and keep trying…

Hrs and hrs and hrs - but don’t worry chickens are time thieves - those hrs will go by really fast. And before you know it you will be the Jedi chicken master giving others advice :highfive:

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