Put the hand with treats in your knee...?

Chickens will teach you to be PATIENT! Don't try to pet. Set the hand on the knee (with the treats), have a little scattered around you, take out your phone and read something. (I'm not watching you, I'm ignoring you, you don't exist, I've forgotten you're there). If the come up close and take treats from the hand, DON'T TENSE IN EXCITEMENT. Refer back to the parentheses for your actions. It's like making a big deal over something a shy child does...don't make them self conscious about it. Act like it's normal, but don't try to pet. They're nervous. The lack of reaction will calm them and build confidence. I have 1 adult who freaks if I go in the coop near her, so I'm having to work on that. She's a favorite target of Cheetah first thing (he chases until he catches her to the point that she doesn't want to leave the coop for breakfast). I was able to dump a small handful of breakfast up where she was this morning. She freaked and went roost hopping, but came back and ate a little bit before leaving (as I was trying to offer more: mistake, should have let be, pushed too fast).

Note: this is for working with adults
When Bella’s situation is resolved I need a charm offensive with Bernadette. Lulu has never been in my lap but she seems willing to jump on my arm and once my back without encouragement.
I have heard this before , I think I will try with my kitty, also I just BET the hens will like a nice pumpkin treat every now and then!

One can get this small sandwich ziplock baggies (or reuseable plastic containers if you can get them) and put small portions in freeze and thaw as needed !
Yes they even sell cat food with added pumpkin. It is because of the fiber that it helps.
I hoard take-out containers so I just use one of those to freeze it.

I was watching Gucci closely at bedtime last night and based upon her behavior I became concerned that maybe it wasn't her legs that were the issue, perhaps she was blind.

She would keep walking until her head hit something and then she would lay down and push up against whatever she had run into, preparing to sleep there.

The others would peep at her from the coop, she would get up, I believe to try and find them, and repeat the process. Walk until she hit something and then lay down again.

I finally put her on the ramp and tried to guide her up. She was having real issues but finally made it.

All night I worried and fretted about how I would handle this. What changes to living arrangements I might have to do, etc.

This morning I endeavored to determine if my fears were based on reality or not. I was able to startle Gucci by simply moving my hand into her field of vision without touching her. So she could "see" my hand at a certain point. Good news.

Then I got a good look at her. Check out this photo from TODAY.


All of the feathers we trimmed have grown back. The poor girl simply cannot see very well again. There will be a very aggressive trimming event tonight.
Step 1
Pick up the wee missy gently, be careful of those wings flapping and hitting you in the face (owwwww!)

Step 2
Gently hold the wee one securely and croon to it, I use bok-bok or with some of them I have a song for some of my birds and I sing their song to them. Hold for another 20-30 seconds.

Step 3
Slowly crouch down holding the bird secure, again watch out for the wings going wild and sqwaking like crazy.

Step 4
Slowly lower the chickie to the ground, it will struggle so be careful not to hold too tight, or drop it on its head, etc. once it’s feet get on the ground hold it snug so it can’t bolt off. Only when it stops struggling should you slowly remove your hands. First few times the chicken will bolt off, stay quietly till it runs away a few steps and then goes about it’s business. Then you can slowly stand up and walk away like nothing happened at all.

Step 5
Now is when I distribute the treats - usually a small handful of scratch grains thrown about for them to peck around at.

Once you can quietly pick up the chicken and put it down without it freaking out, then I start the hand feeding and other tricks like jumping up on my knee, or jumping up onto a bucket to take a treat. Running after me, hopping up on a railing….. I try to do things they would normally do In the wild, jumping running scratching chasing….

You know this take hrs and hrs of spending time with your animals, it doesn’t happen overnight. People always comment on my horses and how they are quiet well trained etc. they want to know my secret. No secret, I just spend all my time with them, I am part of their herd, and part of my chickies flock.
This is very wise. Time is needed. Whenever possible I sit out with the chickens and read. No treats. But eventually they all gather around or visit on the arm of my chair for a chat.
When I rescued two of my kitties they had clearly been misused in some way and were terrified. I put a mattress on the floor and slept in their little room for weeks before I woke up to find they had joined me.
I have a sad update, Nickels passed a hour ago. It is so hard raising newborn kittens. We have successfully done it in the past, but we have also lost some as well. The poor little guy had everything stacked against him though. When he was found he was already covered in maggots and my brother's girlfriend did not think the momma let him nurse at all to get the colostrum. I feel really bad for my brother, he and mom were taking shifts with him. When it was evident he was passing my brother sat there holding him with tears rolling down his face as he passed. My brother is the type of person who does not cry around anyone.
Sneak up behind …. They have eyes in the back of their heads you know :lau

Not sure what everyone else does but I gently herd one into a corner and gently catch it.

Patience young Jedi - breath deeply and calm yourself- and keep trying…

Hrs and hrs and hrs - but don’t worry chickens are time thieves - those hrs will go by really fast. And before you know it you will be the Jedi chicken master giving others advice :highfive:
i do know them chickies are time thieves i spend 2 hours with them everyday
I have a sad update, Nickels passed a hour ago. It is so hard raising newborn kittens. We have successfully done it in the past, but we have also lost some as well. The poor little guy had everything stacked against him though. When he was found he was already covered in maggots and my brother's girlfriend did not think the momma let him nurse at all to get the colostrum. I feel really bad for my brother, he and mom were taking shifts with him. When it was evident he was passing my brother sat there holding him with tears rolling down his face as he passed. My brother is the type of person who does not cry around anyone.
Oh no. So sorry. They are so fragile.
:hugs :hugs
This is very wise. Time is needed. Whenever possible I sit out with the chickens and read. No treats. But eventually they all gather around or visit on the arm of my chair for a chat.
When I rescued two of my kitties they had clearly been misused in some way and were terrified. I put a mattress on the floor and slept in their little room for weeks before I woke up to find they had joined me.

So sweet! Now I bet they take up 2/3 of the bed like my kitty does!

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