Maggie looks lovely, if not stern, as always. 🥰 I'm just noticing how full her ear lobes are! Very few of mine have ear 'lobes' that are so full they are folded over and are pronounced. Makes me think of an older lady wearing clip-on earrings:D
I need to look back at past photos - but I think just like with people gravity exerts it’s effects over time.
I think her earlobes and wattles get longer as she ages.
Photo monday shes so cute what a mug!
thumbnail - 2022-09-04T180924.143.jpg
Feeding breakfast.....hands full so no pics of actual event. Pear starts squawking
Look over and she's running around

Horus standing on her back, beak holding feathers on the back of her head, wings flapping to maintain balance.....and THEYRE OFF! Pear in the lead by a beak! Her jockey struggling to stay on....and he gave up! What a race! The daily running of the Beakness
Palace Coup

Well, well. Bernadette has landed herself the coveted spot next to the wall.
- Maggie likes that spot and often roosts early to secure it. She is accepting though that if Diana is already there, then Diana gets to keep it.
- Diana also likes it but is happy to let Maggie have it without a fight.
- Bernadette copied Maggie's strategy and went there before the others went up to roost, and somehow nobody has thrown her off!

I don't think this is a complete transferrence of power however because I gave them mash this afternoon and Bernadette very clearly had to wait until Maggie and Diana had eaten before she could get much from the plate even though there was plenty of room around the plate.
Maggie was the enforcer as you would expect.

Here is the roosting order tonight. From right to left: Bernadette, Diana, Maggie.
View attachment 3248631
Aurora would never permit this. Never.

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