He's fine with them but a greedy little piglet so I keep them apart. I can't let them mix on the front because the insulation beads have penetrated my front garden or they could all mix. My property is slanted so all of next doors escaped beads came here as well.

He sometimes comes out the back with his chew .
What are there insulation beads and why are they not being cleaned up?

It’s not only your chooks that could be affected but children as well !
The only thing that will stop a hen from laying is the total hours of darkness. Once the amount of darkness exceed a certain number of hours they normally stop laying.

I hate to mess with their laying cycles. Too many things can go wrong with serious consequences. If she wants to lay eggs, I would let her lay. Winter is coming and she will stop when the daylight goes away.
Yes I agree - best to just let her lay her eggs.

She looks awesome so I wouldn’t worry about her at the moment. Another month and daylight hrs will be lessened where she will naturally slow down.
The guy that made this hideaway never brought the second one back
Next time I will use the playhouse
That is an awesome little hideaway! It gave me an idea to make one for my gals! It’s the perfect size for keeping food dry and a place for them it get out of the elements!
Glad to see other beside Alex can quote movies!

Love those speckles - Blanche had developed more this year after her molt.
Here's looking at you, kid.


thanks for the photo loan @Kris5902 ;)

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