Only 3 more pages till 11,000! Wow!
Um.......being the numbers person on here....I feel the need to point out that it is 23 pages to 11,000 from when you posted. Obviously, this thread moves at quite the clip, so it is fewer than 23 pages left now...but still more than 3 :idunno

Sorry to be bearer of bad news. :oops:
my lil ham hades!!!!
thumbnail - 2022-09-05T090316.775.jpg
Failed Trim

Tonight's trim went very badly. I thought that Gucci might get used to this process but she fought like crazy tonight. Of course my first cut pierced a stem and she started bleeding like crazy. She was throwing her head around trying to avoid the scissors. Blood was everywhere. It was a complete fiasco. A little trimming got done but all three of us are traumatized.

Just awful. 😟
Yup. End of world stuff.
i like that (other than chickens would die
Failed Trim

Tonight's trim went very badly. I thought that Gucci might get used to this process but she fought like crazy tonight. Of course my first cut pierced a stem and she started bleeding like crazy. She was throwing her head around trying to avoid the scissors. Blood was everywhere. It was a complete fiasco. A little trimming got done but all three of us are traumatized.

Just awful. 😟
im so sorry
Betty is in the House!

Aurora has been harassing Betty at roosting time driving her from the Main Coop. So tonight Betty decided to check out her old haunts as a potential roosting place. As soon as she went in the Hut I started the camera.

Betty did go and roost in the Main Coop after she left the Hut.
Failed Trim

Tonight's trim went very badly. I thought that Gucci might get used to this process but she fought like crazy tonight. Of course my first cut pierced a stem and she started bleeding like crazy. She was throwing her head around trying to avoid the scissors. Blood was everywhere. It was a complete fiasco. A little trimming got done but all three of us are traumatized.

Just awful. 😟
Oh no. How stressful I am so sorry.
:hugs :hugs:hugs
There is a hug for each of you.

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