I just rub it in dry it takes the itch out and gives me relief.

🤔 I've always thought out of the box, I guess I'm weird 😅
:duc B5AC4CB2-442D-4AA9-9063-2DC0C68A2871.jpeg
Instead of trimming why not put it pulled back with a pony tail holder? Don't use elastic band though.

I was going to trim Pompeii but he has been molting and his head is full of those pin Feathers and I was afraid of that happening to me. I am going to try pulling it back with a pony tail holder .

Not to worry she will be ok, might be you're more tramatized than she is 🤗 glad she isn't white!
The issue is that her beard and head feathers meet. The beard is too small for any kind of tie back but large enough that it blocks her vision. Without the beard she could hold her head high and see down at least.

5:40am why? It's still dark now, and everyone should be quiet. But not so.

First it was horses neighing that woke me. Horses never neigh unless there is a reason, they are prey animals they keep quiet. But that was Lu neighing. No one else answered back so ok maybe she was just looking for Sally. These two old girl are outside at night because both have COPD and do better away from a dusty barn.

Next the coyotes are calling, they are a hybrid wolf coyote mix here in the east. Being plains animals they have moved east as forests were cleared and bred with local wolf population, in fact squeezing out wolf population. The are not in the paddock though sounds like the bush, but sounds travels funny here esp in the night time. They are quiet now, quiet is bad - it means they are likely hunting, they are big have the size of the wolf and the cunning of the pure coyotes. But Sally will protect Lulu, did I mention Lulu has night blindness, a genetic condition snowcapped appaloosa are born with. Normal she NEVER goes out at night. But her COPD is better when outside. May have to rethink her outside.

Next up... Oh hey that's Mr Pompeii, he is crowing up a storm. Now that I don't want to hear in the dark, a curious coyote could be drawn to the barn by the sound of the chickens, hush little man!

Ok now all is quiet, it's 6am, soon it will be light, I will go out and do morning chores, need to prepare for getting my 500 bales of hay tomorrow!

Good morning everyone!

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sounds stress full
i know my family well enough that i would get a spot light and my hunting rifle ,get on the UTV and scare them off if they came near our fence(although our horses try to kill everything that eats meat)
The issue is that her beard and head feathers meet. The beard is too small for any kind of tie back but large enough that it blocks her vision. Without the beard she could hold her head high and see down at least.
That's Thing's problem too. As she's moulting, I'm going to have to wait until she's done to do anything about her crest at the moment. Her nails are also getting too long for practical scratching. Filing them (debating doing this outside against rocks/sidewalk vs inside with a metal nail file kinda thing)
The issue is that her beard and head feathers meet. The beard is too small for any kind of tie back but large enough that it blocks her vision. Without the beard she could hold her head high and see down at least.
Oh dear 😟 yes that can be an issue, that is with my silkies. I hate trimming their ear muffs I usually end up plucking the feathers if possible.

Have a beard ear miff issue with Penelope also. Today I will try to trim her up a bit. Hate doing that though 😳
Hello FBA. I'm back from a five days trek in the mountains and trying to catch up on the thread- almost done.

I'm happy to report that in our absence things have improved a bit between my teenagers and my ex-batts. My youngest cousin has been keeping our chicken and maybe it's because she was more laid back and didn't intervene as much ? Anyway, even though they still aren't friends at all now the teens spend more time staying in the netted chicken zone with the adults, and although there is still some drama it's not all the time. (Well, last night Blanche did move over to where Gaston was roosting and threw him off the 7 feet high roost on the floor 🙄.)

A few pictures as proof : the two roosters Théo and Gaston,with Merle and Piou-piou in the background.
View attachment 3254618
Brune sharing from afar the roost with Merle and Léa
View attachment 3254620Theo and Léa :View attachment 3254619

I was hoping Piou-piou's tail would have grown while we were away, but it's still not done. I'm still a bit anxious she could suddenly turn into a he as she's so late in her development!
View attachment 3254621
View attachment 3254622

I'm sorry to learn you're sick @featherhead007 and I hope it won't get worse- take care of yourself.
Marvelous! You have been missed. It's so nice to see your chickens again. I'm glad to hear they are getting along better. 😊
sounds stress full
i know my family well enough that i would get a spot light and my hunting rifle ,get on the UTV and scare them off if they came near our fence(although our horses try to kill everything that eats meat)
Yea the horses are big enough they will attack the coyotes, but Lulu is blind in the dark and if she gets running she could run into something.

I might put a line of electric about 1’ off the ground, they should keep them out 😊 I love electric fencing.

Ok well better get cracking 8:12am need to get feed…

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