No, sadly, my chooks never took to the xylophone:( The ONLY times they had seemed the slightest bit interested was when I smeared some peanut butter mixed with scratch on it. :idunno

My Geese are doing well. When they hear me talk, they call out (kinda loudly, I might say:oops:) And, when I let them out of the coop/run for free range time in the afternoon, they follow me around as I go let everyone out. If I stop & turn, they freeze, I start moving again, and they do, too!:lau Like a game of freeze!!. However, if I stop and stoop down & start talking to them, they talk back and approach. They side-step my gentle attempts at touch, though:hmm But, they will readily eat out of my hand, or gently 'nibble' my fingers or clothing to 'explore it'. I do give them a stern 'NO' if they bite hard or tug hard. I'm fine with curiosity, but not hurting, and I don't want them to get bad habits......

Thanks for asking :love
our hens weren't interested in our xylophone. I think youtube might just have scammed!
I told him to wake his a$$ up and do his job. So yeah good thoughts 😅

Sorry Bob I'll pay tax when I go outside later.
Oh dear - well at least you didn’t throw a chair at him or something!

Sometimes you just have to tell so
Some to get their crap together!

Poop Tax

Blanche and Sophia know how to deal with crap!

Oh dear - well at least you didn’t throw a chair at him or something!

Sometimes you just have to tell so
Some to get their crap together!

Poop Tax

Blanche and Sophia know how to deal with crap!
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View attachment 3285018
The lazy so and so wasn't in the office for me to throw a chair at. Lol. I was standing by the operations manager and he said who were you talking too? I said my boss and he cracked up 😆

Was it you who wanted me to post some video of Marty grooming Mr P? Well here goes :)

That is so sweet. Is he that tolerant to the other hens if they try that? In watching my flock I've noticed that while the roosters will attend to all the hens, they each seem to have a favorite. Branch's favorite is one of the Cochins and she will have nothing to do with Bubba. Bubba's top hen is Butter, she is often glued to his side. If Branch tries to advance on her she will whip him.
That is so sweet. Is he that tolerant to the other hens if they try that? In watching my flock I've noticed that while the roosters will attend to all the hens, they each seem to have a favorite. Branch's favorite is one of the Cochins and she will have nothing to do with Bubba. Bubba's top hen is Butter, she is often glued to his side. If Branch tries to advance on her she will whip him.
I have never seen any of the other hens approach him, that was Blanche taking a peck at him and I never saw any of them do that!

But Marty, she can do no wrong in his eyes 😊

I have not seen him breeding her, in fact only ever seen him breeding twice, once with Penelope and once with I think it was Whiskers.

There is no drama with him, and I only saw him be mean once to Dorothy when she was naked in her molt. He got a good yelling at from me!

He seems very docile for a Roo and if he approaches the hens and they walk away he just walks away also.

Only in the morning does he do any rooster moves - he will do his dropped wing dance and herd them, but then once they are all out he goes and does his thing eating and what not.

He is the complete opposite of Pangoo!

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