Hi. I was wondering if I could use a couple pictures of your chickens fluffy behinds. It's for a project I am doing.
You are welcome to use any of mine - but I have to ask what kind of project needs chicken fluffy butts? I suspect the members of this thread would love to hear all about it!
You are welcome to use any of mine - but I have to ask what kind of project needs chicken fluffy butts? I suspect the members of this thread would love to hear all about it!
Thank you! It's just for this edition. Then you can send in your pictures by PMing me.
It's a newspaper that is coming out the first friday of March. We were on a time crunch, and so I threw the whole fluffy butt thing together in about 1 second.
Awe, I feel bad for the animal that stole your eggs... could it have been a snake? I had a yellow rat snake in my coop and he would take an egg, eat it, wait until it went down in esophagus or whatever snakes have, and then he ate another. Repeat. The only reason I know that he did that is because the first few times we got him out (before we relocated him) he had two or three lumps in his body from eggs 🤣 Your rooster is a stunner! That orange-red color is to die for!!
I agree 100% with Pastel. i suspected a snake as soon as I read it. A decent sized snake will swallow the egg whole.

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They will later regurgitate the crushed shell. (They have spikey features on their neck vertebrae that they use to puncture the egg's shell, squeeze out the contents, then spit-up/regurgitate the shell.

Rats will sometimes take an egg with them, but they will also (frequently) eat an egg in the nest box. I have had them eat an egg while a duck was sitting on eggs (broody) At first I thought the duck was breaking the eggs - then I realized that the rats were eating one a night while she was on them.:mad:
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