Kencove certainly have pos neg poultry netting. I think Premier do too.
I have Kencove and the only issue I had was the rabbits eating the plastic stays (vertical lines holding the electric in place) - I am just betting that plastic is made from biomaterial which rabbits and squirrels really enjoy.

Which reminds me I need to order supplies to repair this!
Thanks everyone for your opinions on the missing eggs. The snakes we have here, green whip snakes and aspic vipers, hibernate in winter, so it doesn't seem likely. Rats are a possibility though we haven't seen any for ages.

We have loads of crows but I don't think they would have been able to get in at night..unless it was done during the day and I didn't see it!
So it will remain a mystery...
And thanks RC for the info about eggs exploding. I will put some fresh ones in, every morning and take them off for the night from now on.
It is killing me not to be there!
Just four days short of eleven months old and Bernadette is exploring the nest boxes.
I can’t see all the way in with my cameras but I think she is building a castle as she has been in there 45 mins moving bedding into her chosen spot (before changing her mind and moving to another spot).
I can’t bear it that my trip looks like it will cause me to miss being there for her first egg.
Of course this might be a practice run - Babs spent four days doing this before she laid - so who knows.
The lady caring for chickens and cats knows to take a photo, but I am a bit hurt Bernie didn’t wait for me to get home (and her full 11 month point).
Here she is in construction mode.
View attachment 3407990

Yes. I really am thinking of getting more this spring.
My target flock size has always been around 8 and I am still only at 3. There is ooodles of space so that isn’t a worry.
I just need to decide how many, what kind, where from, and when. Details, details!!

Bernie squats for me.
Babs squats for Bernie.
Eli squats for nobody.


Well, moving Bunny failed, epically. I will figure out tomorrow what to do.
You have been thinking of getting chicks this spring. Maybe one of your girls will go broody and brood them for you!!! Wouldn't that be wonderful!!!:thumbsup

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