Im gonna say Im a little worried. My red and white blood count is high along with hemostatin and hemoglobin, I know I dont have an infection because I just finished 2 rounds of antibiotics last week. I felt fine this morning but threw up again this afternoon. My sides and gut hurt off and on. I feel like its been going on awhile and ties into my weakness and dizziness. I cant wait to hear from the dr tomorrow. I have a ct scan april 4th first thing in the morning. My hubby has been taking care of animals and making sure my chooks have food and water and are locked in at night. The baby chicks are doing ok. And the silkies will be hatching any day now. I have a lot of chickens to take care of and cant afford anything major.
Hope all is ok with you soon you need to enjoy your chickies and especially those silkie babies, oh I am soooo eggcited to see what hatches ❤️❤️❤️
Well, tomorrow morning, I'm off to CT so you'll hear from me again on my other account (you all know what it is).
Poor Grandma. I wish she could come with us. Sorry, we can't let you sleep outside and they won't let you in the house.
View attachment 3433913
Enjoy your trip to CT, will check in on your thread - tell your dad to drive safe!
CB , your ignorance is so 🥰 cute! James Bond 007 was created and produced by Broccoli :lau
Albert Romolo Broccoli, producer of Bond 007 franchise
Hahahahaha even I didn’t know that! Also his sister Barbara Broccoli I just read! Awesome!

By_Bob you are GENIUS! Love it! Just genius! I will need to reread the past one to see if there are other hidden gems!!!!
We passed Hershey, Allentown and oh so many other cities.
Hang in there, Alex. We have had no Internet at home for several days. Halfway decent cellular just came back tonight. We also had a recent 10 hour power outage, and we lost power at work. It was a bit crazy. We had to close a school, and we were working at the office in cold conditions. I brought in Single use handwarmers for everyone and some back up power from home to charge computers at work. Our Fabulous maintenance and technology teams Got the Wi-Fi at work back up and running by powering up some generators. It’s been a bit crazy here. I hope things are getting better for you.
Wow that’s unbelievable 🥺

But it is no surprise that us humans can get things done! Glad you have internet now, do you have a generator at your home?

Weather tax
Well, my computer did crash, but:
:gig View attachment 3434046
Still love that one!! 🥰
Oooo an Appaloosa chicken love her ❤️

:hugs :hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs
For her and for you. Like everyone I really really hope it is a young layer's glitch💚.

I've had two hens that were chronically egg bound, Vanille and Blanche. Unfortunately, I don't have any really useful advice.
Regarding weak legs, I had the feeling that when the egg is stuck they don't want to make big moves in fear of breaking it.
What we tried that made no noticeable difference : changing feed, giving calcium and vitamins in the water, giving warm baths with or without Epsom salt.
After a time all we did was give basic supportive care.We kept a dog crate always on hand so that when Vanille was too unwell she could stay there during the day and often sleep in it at night with a warm water bag. Blanche never agreed to stay in there.
I always made sure to leave water and crushed eggshells near to where they were trying to pass the egg out.

When the egg bound things went on for more than a few days, I gave scrambled eggs and yogurt in between for extra nutrition as they don't eat as much as usual.

As you probably remember Blanche survived this, though it went on for a few months. She is near the end now but it's not from reproductive disease. Vanille died from it at two years and nine months, and it began a month after she started to lay. Although she was very often in pain she enjoyed life to the fullest in the meantime and stayed alpha hen and our one and only favorite until the end.
I certainly hope Eli is more lucky than Vanille, or even Blanche, but I guess I'm trying to say don't give up on her if this goes on.

Vanille in the dog crate in June 2020.
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Enjoying life ten months later.
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Hello Manue hope all is well with you, how is the moisture levels in you soil there? Are they talking more drought this summer ?

Love that one photo of vanille out and about 🥰🥰

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