A while ago, we passed two funny sounding cities, McAdoo and Tamaqua. Now we are in Wilkes Barre. Boo hoo, no new chicken photos so here are old photos. Everyone is very unhappy.
He is much better - he can actually see, I noted that he is more active now and looking at the sky as he can now see!

Oh an I also trimmmed up his spurs a bit. I didn’t realize they were so hard! More like a horses hoof than an actual nail.
Yes, but hollow-ish in the center. There is a hard-ish, live 'quick' in the center - that bleeds just like nicking the quick in a toe. (I know because one of my roos, in a 'battle' knocked off part of his spur once - he later knocked the whole spur off! It was held on by one little bit of skin and dangling - I cut it off so it didn't keep banging the 'spur bed' and keep making it bleed.) I think of the spurs as being more like a cow's horn, though. Very tough, hard outer coating, but the center is still living and growing. If your toe-nails were as thick as his spur (and conical - which gives them even more strength), they would be just as hard to cut, too!
Well, tomorrow morning, I'm off to CT so you'll hear from me again on my other account (you all know what it is).
Poor Grandma. I wish she could come with us. Sorry, we can't let you sleep outside and they won't let you in the house.
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I hope you enjoy being up in 'my neck of the woods!" :)
Wow that’s unbelievable 🥺

But it is no surprise that us humans can get things done! Glad you have internet now, do you have a generator at your home?

Weather tax
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Wow, seems with these recent pics of Dorothy that she was almost as big of a sun worshiper as @RoyalChick 's Maggy was! This picture is quite pretty - shows her intricate patterning on her wing feathers! (and her Fascinator cap! Stunning)
Happy FBF, everyone. Hope you all feel better soon and/or have better living circumstances soon (those of you in Cali!)

So hard to get good butt photos - they all face me, wanting to know what treats I'm carrying.....had to get them while they were distracted!

This one is saying... "You want a picture of my WHAT?"

Okay, fine! (clucking 'pervert' under her breath)
Hello Manue hope all is well with you, how is the moisture levels in you soil there? Are they talking more drought this summer ?
Salut Kelly! I'm all good and feeling very guilty of lurking here without giving any news.
First, I want to say I'm really happy you're home! Safe and sound!
Second I really hope to hear better news from those of you with health issues @ValarieF and @featherhead007 especially.
And also, I'm so sorry the never ending rooster chick momma hen's curse has struck again @RebeccaBoyd and that Rosie is having health issue again. Glad you have the marshmallows to cheer you up. And I hope @BY Bob you are beginning to see the end of your issues at work and in every day life 🤞.

Funny about broccoli ...we watched moonraker last evening and laughed our heads off. " Excuse me my name is Bond, James Bond. I'm looking for Dr. Goodhead.
-You just found her.
-A woman!
-Your powers of observation do you credit, Mr Bond."
I do wonder how Aurora Bond would have handled this🤣.

We are on draught alert, officially forbidden to water gardens during the day since Friday .. but for now we don't apply the restrictions as it's still freezing at night, and our village has many streams (but they will run dry at some point). Planting is a nightmare..under 5 cm the soil is just dust..no life.
Other than that I'm having a lot of fun chicken drama (it's getting a bit better between the roosters now we are letting them fight it off a bit, but the hens are making up for it🙄) and my ex-batts are beginning to show that three and a half is old age for them.
And the neighbor's cows that are grazing on a property above our house have broken in our garden five times since yesterday, driving the chickens (and me) nuts.

Some pictures from the last two weeks.

Léa for Monday mugs. Since then she has activated puffed broody screaming mode again 🤦‍♀️.

Théo and Chipie for twofers. Chipie has started laying again! As I have no clue what age she is, when she hadn't gone back to laying I was a bit worried this could mean she was too old, so I'm happy to see her tiny white eggs again. Ever since, Théo has been mating her very often, so he obviously knows.

Thirsty ex-batts with Théo

I love this one- Gastounet trying to understand what is inside this thing.

A well-ordered line of butts.

And little Blanche's butt. She has finally lost sight in her sore eye and we think she won't be here much longer. But when she's awake, she still tries by all means to murder Chipie ! It's definitely keeping her fighting. I'm beginning to wonder if it could be some sort of jealousy as they are both Théo's favorite hens.

I wish you all a nice end of week and will be reading and thinking of your chickens and you even if I don't post 💚.
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Happy fluffy butt Friday!! I will probably have more photos to come later today, but here are a few I took earlier

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First photo is my Brahma hen Whopper, and the second is one of my starlight GEs, Polly

I attempted to get a good photo of my Cochin roo, Oats, but he was not happy about it

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I can’t ever get over how funny his facial expression is, he always seems so judgmental

I’ll take more later today!
Spectacular fluff! And I love Oats and hope you earn his approval. :lau

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