Give them time. Lark and Indigo have only just stopped bolting from me and they're a year old. It's taken this long for them to be willing to hang out within 5 feet of me.
I find that persistence works, and treats šŸ„°

Also a contained area they canā€™t get away from, they need to see you as protector - the tweens will run around but if they feel threatened they run back to were I am sitting on my lawn chair.

This only works if you have the time sit and observe.

I think you palace is a perfect place for them to run around and come back to you if they feel threatened. I was really worried in my barn they would get somewhere I couldnā€™t extricate them! But they have been really good about staying near me, except yesterday when they decided that outside was a really great place and they got into the long grass and I couldnā€™t find them! šŸ˜³
I will need to make sure that they are not an invasive species here in Ontario. I think I have seen these beetles in the garden, and I think I have seen live mealworms being sold šŸ˜Š
I found them at the pet store for feeding reptiles. In reading up on them, the giant super worms are infertile. Sometimes you can find them with fishing bait too.
I found them at the pet store for feeding reptiles. In reading up on them, the giant super worms are infertile. Sometimes you can find them with fishing bait too.
I wa just checking out Pet Smart and they do sell them. Might set up a breeding tank and make my own when I retire or win the lottery šŸ˜Š
Is Daisy the chicken in your profile photo?
Yes she is! That was taken months ago, now she is 1 year old! I'll get some more recent photos in for you. On all of my 11 chickens! Oh, and I was referring to Daisy, a Buff Orpington I had a while back. She died. I wanted a Buff Orpington chick when I got my new marshmallow flock, but they were sold out! The Daisy on my pfp is Daisy #2
I wa just checking out Pet Smart and they do sell them. Might set up a breeding tank and make my own when I retire or win the lottery šŸ˜Š
I have 2 going now. 2nd batch of worms I got were much smaller than the 1st. First batch is all beetles now, 2nd batch is about the size the first was when I got. Had some tubs, oatmeal, corn meal and cream of wheat. Otherwise veggie peels and part of a cardboard egg carton.

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