A good pony is worth a fortune up here. I just went for ‘loook there’s a butterfly’ ride on Lulu 😊 a nice walk down the road. Black flies are evil 😳

Boy where my chickens ever freaked out by the change in routine! I haven’t ridden since last Fall. And you would think I was murdering chickens in here!

Lulu is a registered Pony-of-the-Americas mare, snow cap appy markings, 21 yrs old on the 05 July, and 13.2hrs
View attachment 3523134

Had to check the chooks. They were quiet all of a sudden, they are good - it getting hot now so they are finding a cool spot to lay down for the rest of the day - except the little ones! Seems the Tweens and them are hanging out together now.
View attachment 3523136
She's so pretty! Reminds me of the pony my daughter used to ride, Olaf. He was a very good pony, especially with her. Good ones are worth their weight in gold!!
Awww more babies! So many this year I love it! Did she just have 2?
She was SUPER broody the end of April. After two weeks I caved and got a couple of bantam eggs from a friend. I wanted to test her out to see if she would make a good mom. So far, the BEST mom!! And the babies are a mix of Golden Seabright (Mom) and Spangled Hamburg (Dad). I'm SOOOO anxious to see what they will look like grown up!
Hattie in all her Glory?!!
(Here she looks like a Cochin, but I finally uploaded it-- My computer wouldn't let me before.)
Miss Hattie
I know very terrible, I am sorry if I disgraced her Bob.
I had to alter some of the dimensions to draw her better.

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