Tassels is big. Tassels is pretty. Tassels is throwing you in the deep end with those stunning feet feathers. That's my girl Tassels.
Tassels is very big! And yes, I have to admit that Tassels is also pretty. Those feet shock me every time I meet her. But so far so good - I keep thinking she will trip over her Tassels and dive beak first into the dirt. But she hasn't yet!
snap snap crackle snap crackle

You have got to be kidding me!! I cannot believe it!!

The Neighbour is out there with a bonfire going! Unbelievable! With the drought conditions we have had, and all that dry underbrush under his rootin tootin trees!

And in the evening! He darn well better make sure that fire is OUT before he goes to bed tonight or I will be fit to be tied. He is burning it right near the tree line on the way to my barn!

I guess I won’t be getting any sleep tonight!

Why are people such idiots? This guy has in the past burnt crap during droughts - he has no common sense at all.

Frustrating Tax

The kids this morning waiting for breakfast
View attachment 3548560
How is this not illegal? That should be made illegal unless it's for a grill, which in this case it's not. I mean last week, the northeast has had air quality issues. That person is having a field day to give death wishes to everyone.
I have not said this yet but Grandma's breathing is good now. She's not wheezing or breathing as heavy as she did prior to the hot weather arriving.
It was warm outside this morning, so I let the chooks out early. Now I feel a very cold chilly breeze circulating around the area. Dangerous conditions for small aircraft. I need to stay caught up with the weather conditions and altitude adjustments. The mountains can get tricky at times. Here’s some thermocline tax: IMG_3160.jpeg IMG_2985.jpeg
Tassels is very big! And yes, I have to admit that Tassels is also pretty. Those feet shock me every time I meet her. But so far so good - I keep thinking she will trip over her Tassels and dive beak first into the dirt. But she hasn't yet!
It can happen, if you have feathered feet! IMG_3175.jpeg

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