Always go with shade of a tree - never underestimate the value of the cooling power of a tree :)

I like option 1, and you stated water was convenient. Water and power are one of the most important factors in any livestock housing.

I won't say water is convenient either place. Water is slightly more convenient on option 1. Electric is definitely more convenient for option 2.
Family portrait




Ok so the names may be out of order with the chicks…
Taken today :)
I took the eggs and made Brownie get out of the nest box and she took some time to be outside and eat. She also checked on her 10 week olds. Butttt its hard to tell they are even chicks anymore 😂

Lore showing off all his colors, side note neither he or story has yet to even attempt crowing yet.


Spent an hour with the hubby trying to figure out where the new coop/shed is going. It's arriving tomorrow.

Option 1, is back in these trees. I'm facing North...
View attachment 3578803 Coop will be on the left. Best part about this is shade pretty much all day, but we will have the limbs and leaves to contend with. Water hose will reach without too much trouble. Electric requires hooking together 150' of cord from the house. It's near the existing coop. It does have the bonus of screening off the neighbors junk. I can see this from my living room.

Option 2 is back by this fenceline. I'm facing west.View attachment 3578804
Not much shade, but we do plan to insulate and there's some in the afternoon that would hit the coop. Water is less convenient, but not impossible. We currently have 4 blackberry plants there which we'll dig up but they're doing very poorly there anyway. Electric is much more convenient as this is near our garage. I can see this from my back porch.

Which is easier to deal with: winter cold or summer heat? Which location makes the more difficult easier to deal with?

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