Came back from my 5th camping trip yesterday. Went to Little Buffalo (many mosquitoes) and Caledonia (again), both national parks. Caledonia was raining all the time and was cold all night. Mornings were 70F even though it felt like the 50s. Nights were about the same temps, if not, in the 60s. That's Fayetteville weather. LB had very few camping sites and was constantly hot. There is a trail by the swimming pool that takes you to a butterfly garden. LB restrooms are nothing but rust on the stalls and wood is the walls. Caledonia keeps their restrooms clean even with little staff. Lots of campsites there but not a lot of people come here. There are usually a handful of campers.



Look where I found Tony. Someone wanted to play hide and seek.
So, the Opossum is gone. He left my coop, thank goodness. I did get two morning doves in my coop though.. I was able to get one out, but the other is still in the coop.

My dad made my put the chickens back in. We think that the possum crawled in through the roof wire.
Picture this. A big run, with multiple "slabs" of chicken wire. We used zip ties (or something similar) to attach those "slabs" of wire together. In this one area, the "slabs" aren't attached very well. The possum could easily craw under the overlapping wire because it's not attached well enough.

We are going to attach the wire more, so that nothing can craw through.
We will also likely get some hot wire and put it around all of my coops. Maybe my chooks can wander around too!
I'm really nervous. I would have much rather kept my chooks in that tiny coop than risk their lives.
Exactly... I do that too. There are so many times when I want to swear on here, but since BYC has rules against foul language, I don't use them. I make up my own.
Aww come on! Everyone on this site has spoken FOWL to their birds, and you can’t tell me they didn’t!
The sick BR is more alert and slightly rambunctious this morning. During her feeding she had both eyes open and was objecting to being held by me by squirming around. We stopped the Baytril but continued with the vitamins. Took a closer look at the label for the multivitamin and see that it has a low dose of selenium, no where near the recommended dosage though so I'll ride into town and pickup some sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.

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