He is a Quarab, and I just got him early last year. He is a rescue, and I didn't know at first because he wasn't really limping or acting odd, but he has chronic lamenitis. He was actually lame on all 4 feet, and since it was balanced, you couldn't tell. My farrier originally said that it was bad enough that he would never be rideable, and might not make the winter. I changed his diet and monitor him pretty heavily, and when she came out a couple weeks ago, she said that he'd grown half a hoofs worth of new growth, and in a year, he'd be clear to ride lightly. Luckily, I wasn't going to ride him heavily anyway, so we're all good!
That sounds like a wonderful development. I'm so glad for you both.
This should be a short little video of Gumbo. He was making the typical “Ooh, there’s food!” Rooster noise.
Sorry, but I’m sure he’s a rooster. He’s my fourth roo that I’ve had. He’s almost as big as Pastel, and he’s twice the size of my full grown hens (almost twice the size)

Aww, he's beautiful! what was he? Quarter horse?
This is him with his owner. My instructor was leasing him for a year. He moved about two hours away from where I live. I personally think that he looks good in navy blue, but Royal blue looks even better. I think that darker blue just looks odd on him.

But look at royal blue on him!!

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