I planted some perennial roots (garden phlox, blue sea holly, and 2 colors of clematis). We will see if they actually come up/do anything. I also dug up an old peony from a poor location (we didn't plant it, I've never worked with peonies before). The clump was densely packed and about 14 inches across. Of course it broke into about 5 pieces, with shoots coming on all of them. I HAD been planning on putting it in 1 location, near the other one that grows REALLY well.....now I have it in 5 spots: 1 in the bed by Sherlock's favorite watering hole, 1 in the random bed in the middle of the grass farther out from where it had been, 1 in the square bed by the pavers by the deck, and 2 out where I'd originally planned, 1 on either side of the rock. Rain in the forecast tomorrow with snow the day after. Watered them anyway as it's supposed to hit 70F today and the ground is dry....plus the rain/snow may not hit us/do much.

The feathered assistants are trying to scratch where the garden phlox roots went...and Storm's girls are circling the house under hers and/or Pear's supervision poking around in the tall grass and shrubs. I noticed Nimbus had her tail flared and Cardhu was half flared. If one of them is contemplating going broody, I pray she does in the middle of the rose patch. It's the closest exterior location to Fort Knox I can come up with....and Nimbus has been poking through it multiple times
Morinth did not appreciate being called a bin chicken...
5 eggs today, hooray!
Dustbathing broody!
Samara telling me to stop taking pictures
The nest box additions most of the way done. I need brackets to put the dividers on and they need attached to the coop.
The dividers are recycled signs. They need latches and insulation before we attach it to the coop. It will go from the current two nests to being four big ones.
Having fun with the chooks.

I told them they only want me when o have some for them, just like kids!

But I have had my bagel and some pain meds, now I am ready to tackle the barn floor - it’s disgusting!

Oh and Butterscotch nipped my lip when she tried to steal my bagel from my mouth - ow!
That made me laugh out loud!
:lau :lau
Oh well, it's raining again.
No free ranging for the chooks today... :(
You know, this is the second day in a row when the storm clouds come charging down the canyons and pelting rain in valley. It was perfectly clear this morning, now this! :barnie

Weather tax:
When the new ones just got here.
I agree - mud is the worst! I think we are beginning to dry out here now and the ditch I dug yesterday seemed to do its job.
I might dig a permanent ditch from the driveway and line it with large cobble rocks for drainage. Try to keep the water off the driveway.
I checked a couple spots that used to be wet in the covered run and am very happy to report the French drain and run pavers are doing their job! Just damp there. We’ve had a lot of rain too. I didn’t get into the farthest corner yet, but it’s good enough!

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